
This Node server is a simple data broker which accepts POST requests and stores data in a database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Node server is a simple data broker which accepts POST requests and stores data in a database.


  1. Set up a mongodb, provide its MongoDB URI in a .env file
  2. npm install In the root folder as well as in the frontend folder
  3. Follow Vue instructions under API below
  4. Run the server using npm start
  5. Test if it runs correctly by sending a correct POST message (see below)


Feature #1 is a work in progress. Currently I'm trying to figure out how to send larger amounts of data in one post request. The server accepts two requests:

  1. POST / If a message is posted to the root of the server following this format: {deviceId:String, status:Number, [additional optional params]} the server will store the message in a database table as is. Both the deviceId and the status are required. The request should be a valid POST request with all data values provided as query parameters. After testing I found out the following content types will work (application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, no content-type provided) although i'm not 100% sure on that last one. If the post request does not meet the requirements, a message will be sent back explaining why it was rejected alongside 4xx HTTP STATUS

  2. GET / If the root of the server is requested, all available data is dumped back to the requester. Note: I have no idea how stable that is or how long the data is allowed to be for this to work. This is purely a test feature and should prob be protected.


Make sure you make a .env file, containing:

MONGO_DB_URL= url to mongodb database
AUTH_SECRET= secret used for auth


GET /months

Parameter Description Type
year The range of the data as year String

GET /dump

Parameter Description Type
startdate The startdate of the range of the data in the response Date
enddate The enddate of the range of the data in the response Date

GET /delete

Parameter Description Type
startdate The startdate of the range of the data in that has to be deleted Date
enddate The enddate of the range of the data in that has to be deleted Date


POST /login

Parameter Description Type
username The username of the user trying to login String
password The password of the user trying to login String

POST /register

Parameter Description Type
username The username of the user trying to login String
password The password of the user trying to login String


The dashboard gives a structured overview of the data saved in the database. From here data can be downloaded as CSV in the range of a month or a year.


The dashboard is build using the framework Vue and the vue-cli. To read more about Vue check their documentation.

To start the Vue app for development run:

npm run serve

The api requests are proxied to port :3000, so make sure to run the backe end app on that port.

To build for production (do this on the server) run:

cd front-end && npm run build

If this task runs successful, the front-end app is served by de back end app.


For the layout of the dashboard is build using Vuetify, a component library made to use with Vue. Using Vuetify the layout can be easily extended using it's pre-made components.


For authentication the dashboard is using JWT tokens. This way the requests get checked in the back-end by sending the user's token with every request. If the token doesn't work anymore, the user has to log in again and a new token is generated.

This guide was used to set up the authentication process.