
I have tried to meet all the requirements listed in the original Readme in the aproximate given timeframe. For this purpose:

  • I've leveraged ant-d as a UI library
  • Used React's useReducer() hook for state management: considering the small scale of the app I considered it was a good solution, but for a production grade application I would recommend something like Redux which offers a lot of other advantages (but requires a lot of boilerplace)
  • used use-fetch hook for fetching data from the api, chose this for simplicity and to keep the application lean but for larger projects could use a package like axios
  • I did not end up using /products/[gtin] endpoint as it wasn't specified directly in the requirements, and the payload it delivered did not offer any extra information about a particular product (the main /products endpoint has the same information for a particular product) so if there was a need to navigate to products/id in the browser we could have used the main /products endpoint.
  • I have setup unit tests with Jest + react-testing-library and tried to get some decent coverage for the more important parts of the application, but these could be significantly improved
  • Regarding the styling of the application, it is very minimal and rough at this point and it could be greatly improved, together with its responsiveness (tablet, mobile view)


npm install

Running locally


Start the project in development mode.

npm run dev


Build and start the project in production mode.

npm start

Unit Tests

npm run test


The API can be interacted with via http://localhost:3000/api and has the following endpoints:


The /products endpoint accepts GET requests and will return the first page of 20 products. To retrieve a different page of 20 products, you can pass the page query parameter (e.g. /products?page=2).


The /products/[gtin] endpoint accepts GET requests and will return a product matching the GTIN (e.g. /products/8005610625720). If no product is found, the API will respond with a 404 status.


Home page

  • Display products retrieved from the /products endpoint. See API.
  • Customers should be able to browse all available products (there are 100 in total).
  • Customers should be able to add products to a shopping cart.

Cart page

  • Display the products the customer has added to their shopping cart.
  • Customers should be able to remove products from their shopping cart.
  • The shopping cart's value should be prominently displayed.
Bonus requirements
  • Customers should be able to change the quantity of a particular product in their shopping cart.