
Create ids like snowflakes, unique ;)

Primary LanguagePython


Generate an unique id ... in python or bash or anything

Example python:

import id

new_unique_id = id.id()

Example bash:

# mkdir id_fs
# ./id_fs.py id_fs
# cat id_fs/id

Run tests:



Optional - to run the id_fs

pip install --user fuse-python

Check id.py for more the implementation


[1] https://devforth.io/blog/why-your-software-should-use-uuids-in-2020s UUIDv1 - It includes 2 parts: 48-bit Host Mac Address (so already unique for different clients who generate it), 60-bit Timestamp (nanoseconds precision, even two subsequent generate function calls will never generate same timestamps). It's harder to measure a clash here but it is always better to use this version, and later in post, I will explain why.

[2] https://github.com/twitter-archive/snowflake

[3] https://www.callicoder.com/distributed-unique-id-sequence-number-generator/