
Full c# internal library for world of warcraft.

Primary LanguageC#

Warcraft AOT

Full C# internal library for World of Warcraft (Classic and Retail) utilizing .Net7 and NativeAOT.

Build Instructions


  1. Set project configuration to Release and x64.
  2. Right click the project and open the Publish option.
  3. Select the folder option, and enter your desired publish directory.
  4. Open Show all settings in the new publish tab, and set the following:
Option Value
Configuration Release|x64
Target Runtime win-x64
ReadyToRun compilation checked
  1. Open /PublishProfiles/FolderProfile.pubxml and insert <PublishAot>true</PublishAot>.
  2. Publish the project and hope for the best!


  1. Set project configuration to Release and x64.
  2. Set the path of the DLL to inject.
  3. Build and run!


VollRagm: KernelBypassSharp -> For introducing me to NativeAOT.

ZeroLP: SharpNativeDLL -> For introducing me to a template for my projects going forward.

Because of these individuals, I achieved something i was always told was "impossible".


This is strictly for educational purposes only (and, of course, for a little fun). I do not take any responsibility for any account actions that occurr using the methods provided.


This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPLv3 license.