
A Discord bot for hosting the classic social deduction game: Werewolf.

Primary LanguagePython


A Discord bot for hosting the classic social deduction game: Werewolf. Features roles such as Werewolf, Seer, Doctor, Drunk, and Alpha Werewolf, with suporrt for easily-added custom roles. A bot running this code will only be able to host a single game on a single server, at any given time, as use over multiple servers was not a requirement for its original purpose.

Getting Started


This project was written for Python 3.10

The bot will require several permissions to function:

  • Server Members Intent
  • Manage Roles
  • Manage Channels
  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Add Reactions


Download the repository, and enter your bot's token into token.txt


To run the bot, run the main.py file (this will display players' roles, and so it is recommended to not have the console visible whilst playing, unless debugging)

To begin the game simply message $start or $begin to a channel

The bot will create any required server roles that are missing, and will inform you of any missing channels, though cannot create them, so will require a server admin to do so. Any permission-errors will be visible in the console. If a category exists with same name as one of the game channels, this may lead to fatal errors, causing the program to crash.

Adding Custom Roles

The bot has support for custom roles. To implement a custom role:

  1. Add your role to the config.txt file. For example:
name, job='', enabled=True, evil=False, passive=True, min=0, max=None, pct=0, trigger=0

This will add the role to the bot

  • name - name of the role
  • job - verb of what the role does (for example, werewolf:'kill', doctor:'protect'). This is used in the narration messages.
  • enabled - should the bot use this role?
  • evil - is this role on the werewolves' team?
  • passive - does this role have code to run (False) like a seer? or is it just a soft-role (True) like the drunk?
  • min - mininum number required of this role
  • max - maximum number required of this role
  • pct - percentage of players that should be this role (e.g. 0.5 would be half of the players)
  • trigger - how many players are required before this role is used?

If the role is not passive, then you will also need to:

  1. Create a function that carries out the role's job. A template can be found in the code called Custom()

  2. If required, alter the NewDay() function (if the new role influences any deaths), and add any global variables underneath the #<roles> header

  3. In the on_reaction_add() function, add a call for the new function (an example can be found already in the function)


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)