
Primary LanguagePython

Project Title: Game Assistance Overlay Overview

This project aims to develop a Python script that can analyze an application window (in this case, a game), understand the state of the game, and suggest where a user should move their mouse and click by providing an overlay. This should be helpful to players in determining where to move their characters in a visually complex game. Components

Game State Recognition - Using computer vision (OpenCV, possibly machine learning libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch) to recognize the current state of the game based on the visuals presented in the game window.
Path Planning - Determine where the user should click next. This could involve hard-coded paths or dynamically computed paths using algorithms like A* or Dijkstra's algorithm.
Overlay Generation - A GUI (using PyQt or Tkinter) that generates an overlay showing where the user should click next.
Real-time Interaction - The system needs to operate in real-time, continuously monitoring, understanding, planning, and updating.
User Control - A control system for the user to turn the system on/off and adjust settings.

Development Approach

We will be following an Agile development approach, with the work divided into sprints. Each sprint will have a specific set of tasks, and the goal is to have a working (though not necessarily complete) system at the end of each sprint. Sprint Plan:

Sprint 1: Research and learn about the necessary libraries (OpenCV, PyQt/Tkinter, etc.).
Sprint 2: Set up a basic system that can capture and display the game window.
Sprint 3: Implement basic state recognition for a subset of the game states.
Sprint 4: Expand the state recognition to include all states.
Sprint 5: Implement basic path planning for a subset of the game states.
Sprint 6: Expand the path planning to include all states.
Sprint 7: Implement the overlay system.
Sprint 8: Implement user controls.
Sprint 9: Testing and bug fixing.