
:package: Simple MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms projects

Primary LanguageC#


Simple MVVM framework for Xamarin.Forms projects

This is the component, works on iOS, Android and UWP.


Name Info
Xamarin.Forms.MVVMBase NuGet

Platform Support

Xamarin.Forms.MVVMBase is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.Its dependencies are Xamarin.Forms and DryIoc


App.cs :

 public partial class App : Application
        public App()

        public void BuildDependencies()
            ViewModelLocator.Current.RegisterForNavigation<MainPage, MainViewModel>();

        async void InitNavigation()
            var navigationService = ViewModelLocator.Current.Resolve<INavigationService>();
            await navigationService.InitializeAsync<MainViewModel>(null, true);

Determines which Initial ViewModel of your app :

InitializeAsync<MainViewModel>(null, true)

To register the View Matching ViewModel, use:

ViewModelLocator.Current.RegisterForNavigation <View, ViewModel> ();

Base ViewModel

BaseViewModel is based on all ViewModels. BaseViewModel Implements LoadAsync in addition to Navigation and Dialog Service

 public class MainViewModel : BaseViewModel
       //Set Title
        public MainViewModel() : base("Main View")

        //Override Load
        public override async Task LoadAsync(NavigationParameters navigationData)

BaseViewModel already behind the implementations of Title and isBusy by default to use in all views


Use BaseViewModel NavigationService to navigate between them. You can also send parameters that will be received in LoadAsync.

await NavigationService.NavigateToAsync<DetalhesViewModel>();
await NavigationService.NavigateToAsync<DetalhesViewModel>(parameter);

NavigationParameters can be used to send parameters to a View, both when navigating to a new one and returning to the previous one.

  var parametros = new NavigationParameters();
  parametros.Add("key", value);

navigationData also returns if it is a new navigation or return from some view. use NavigationState :

 public enum NavigationState
        Init, //Start App
        Forward, //Navigation to next View
        Backward // Return Navigation

In addition to object navigation you can also browse via queryString as if using a url :

 NavigationParameters(string queryString)


Use BaseViewModel DialogService to display custom alerts or an actionsheet.

 await DialogService.AlertAsync("Title", "Message", "Cancel Button Label");
 await DialogService.AlertAsync("Title", "Message", "Accept Button Label", "Cancel Button Label");
 await DialogService.ActionSheetAsync("Title", "Message", "Destruction Button Label", buttons);


You can use BasePage instead of the standard ContentPage. BasePage automatically changes the title to that of BaseViewModel and also implements DeepLink

 /<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<base:BasePage   xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"


Dependency Injection

Xamarin.Forms.MVVMBase uses DryIoc. You can use your container in the app.cs with :

 ViewModelLocator.Current.ContainerBuilder.Register <Interface, Implementation> ();