
My config/dotfiles for tmux, nvim, i3, bla bla bla, nerd things.

Primary LanguageLua

Welcome to my dotfiles!

They're finally organized (for now). I've started using stow to manage my dotfiles using symlinks. If you're interested in figuring out how that works for yourself, here is a great blog post on it. Note that there are some initial steps you'll need to clone my entire config.


  1. If you have an existing neovim installation, delete any existing runtime dir you have for neovim to prevent errors in your new version. usr/local/nvim/runtime. See :checkhealth of your current neovim install to confirm what the path is on your machine.
  2. Install the nightly version of neovim - I have some plugins, I can't remember which ones (treesitter maybe?) that require the nightly version of neovim as they use the latest features. I just install from source.
  3. Install Packer - this is the package manager I use for lua dotfiles.
  4. Run nvim
  5. Type :PackerSync or :PackerInstall (need to double check this on a fresh install) - This will install all of your nvim plugins.
  6. You may have to run :TSUpdate 'cause treesitter is fussy,


  1. Install tpm
  2. Add plugins to ~/.tmux.conf
  3. Run tmux (or reload tmux env tmux source ~/.tmux.conf)
  4. Install plugins with prefix + I (capital i)