
Very simple script to update namescript ddns for multi host

Primary LanguagePython

Simple Dynamic DNS script for Namecheap

since Namecheap DNS doesn't provide any API or client other than windows, here is a very simple client. Basically it does a simple GET request for each host.


usage: ddns.py [-h] --config CONFIG [-l]

python script to update namecheap Dynamic DNS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG  required INI config file with Domain credentials
  -l               logs update result, in a log file specified in the config file


pip install configparser, argparse
git clone https://github.com/RduMarais/simple_namecheap_ddns.git
chmod +x simple_namecheap_ddns/ddns.py

cron job

use this command to edit your cron tab

crontab -e

add the following line, with X being the time interval between 2 updates :

*/X * * * * ~/simple_namecheap_ddns/ddns.py --config ~/simple_namecheap_ddns/config.ini -l