
Re-Dcrypt Bot & website

Primary LanguagePython


Re-Dcrypt is a bot that will help you decode many ciphers like caesar, base64, A1Z26 & Atbash.

Invite Link:





Below are the commands you can use with this bot

Caesar Cipher Decode

&?caesar [key] [code]

Caesar Cipher Bruteforce

&?caesar [code]

Vignere Cipher Encode

&?vignere_encrypt [key] [code]

Vignere Cipher Decode

&?vignere_decrypt [key] [code]


&?a1z26 [code] (can be numbers/alphabets)

Base64 Decode

&?b64_decode [code] &?b64_encode [code]


&?atbash [code]

Morse Code

&?morse [code/text] (This will automatically decode the morse & encode the text)

Text reverse

&?reverse [text]


&?feedback [your feedback/suggestion]




The Prefix &? is only required in servers. All the commands will work without the prefix in the bots DM.

Slash Commands

Most of the above commands are available as slash commands as well. For Slash commands, you just have to type / and then you will see multiple options for the commands. The format is also predefined in the slash commands so you don't have to remember anything.

If you already have the bot in your server then you need to give extra permissions to it for slash commands. You can do this by authorizing it here: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=775629409494630410&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fbot.redcrypt.ml&scope=applications.commands

However if you don't have the bot in your server then you can invite it using the new invite link that automatically give it the permission for creating slash commands. New Invite:


If you still don't have the slash commands in your server, then pls wait a few minutes as according o discord it can take upto 1 hour for slash commands to get updated in all servers.