Capstone project information

Project information

  • Project name: Let's Share
  • Project description: “Let’s share” website encourages people who live in the same region to share their daily extra food, clothes , furniture, etc
  • Technology used: Nextjs, TailwindCSS, i18next, Husky, Prettier, Eslint, Commitlinter (Conventional Commits)
  • Team members: Amjad, Ghufran, Heni, Kemal, Mohamad
  • Team lead: Salah
  • Bootcamp: BPRM TR 2022

Development process

  • You can change the TailwindCSS configuration in the tailwind.config.js file to add new color codings according to your color palettes.
  • The translation process is done using the i18next library. There's an example in the index.js file of how this is done. Check this github project for more info on how to use the i18next library: i18next
  • When writing commits, commitlinter library is used to make sure that your commits are consistent with the conventional commits. To learn more about it refer to the guidelines in Canvas or the conventional commits site.
  • The layout folder contains the components that will be used in the layout of pages, so components like the header and footer will be placed there.

Good luck and happy coding :D