#nginx-http-radius authentication module http authentication by radius protocol.
@author qudreams
#Note: The nginx-http-radius module depend on libmyradclient,so you must compile the library firstly; libmyradclient.a must be in same directory with nginx-http-radius module,because the nginx-http-radius module set the environment variables CORE_INCS and CORE_LIBS in 'config' file depending this. The module also just support the following authentication methods: PAP,CHAP,MSCHAP,MSCHAPV2,EAPMD5 #Usage: 1.compile the libmyradclient firstly. 2.compile the module into nginx like this: ./configure --add-module=src/nginx-http-radius-module make
after compiling,install it by the following directive:
make install
Nginx will be installed into the directory /usr/local/nginx acquiescently.
3. install nginx,and then modify the configuration file nginx.conf.
the configuration file may be like the following:
http {
#set the directory of radius dictionary.
radius_dict_directory "/usr/local/nginx/raddb/";
#radius server configuration including
radius_server "radius_server1" {
#authentication timed-out
auth_timeout 5;
#limit to resend the request
resend_limit 3;
#radius authentication server url.
url "";
#share secret
share_secret "secret";
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
#charset koi8-r;
#access_log logs/host.access.log main;
location = /{
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
#radius server configuration
#the third paramter is authentication method,you can set the following value:
auth_radius_server "radius_server1" "PAP";
#authentication realm,you can set the following value:
# Restricted "Close Content" off
auth_radius "Restricted";