
The SoundCloud PHP Library provides a convenient way to interact with the SoundCloud API and perform various actions such as searching for music, retrieving music details, downloading music, and more.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

SoundCloud PHP Library

The SoundCloud PHP Library provides a convenient way to interact with the SoundCloud API and perform various actions such as searching for music, retrieving music details, downloading music, and more.


To install the SoundCloud PHP Library, add the following line to your composer.json file and run the composer require command:

composer require darkphp/soundcloud

Usage ( php +8.1 )

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DarkPHP\SoundCloud;

// Create a new instance of the SoundCloud class
$soundCloud = new SoundCloud();

// Search for music
$query = 'your_search_query';
$musicResults = $soundCloud->searchMusic($query);

// Get music details
$musicId = 'your_music_id';
$musicDetails = $soundCloud->getMusic($musicId);

// Download music
$musicId = 'your_music_id';

// Get music details by URL
$url = 'https://soundcloud.com/user/track';
$musicByUrl = $soundCloud->getMusicWithUrl($url);


searchMusic(string $query): stdClass|array

Searches for music tracks based on the provided query. Returns an array of music tracks found matching the query.

getMusic(string $id, bool $exportOriginal = false): bool|stdClass|array

Retrieves the details of a specific music track identified by its ID. Returns the details as an array or a stdClass object. If $exportOriginal is set to true, the method returns the original data as a stdClass object.

downloadMusic(string $id): void

Downloads a music track identified by its ID. The downloaded file will be saved with the track's title as the filename.

getMusicWithUrl(string $url): bool|stdClass|array

Retrieves the details of a music track based on the provided SoundCloud URL. Returns the details as an array or a stdClass object.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


SoundCloudPHP is developed by Hossein Pira.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to contact John via email or Telegram.