Working with ControllerAs
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Can someone please explain how to use it with controllerAs
I know that you can watch on the controller using observeOnScope, also you can create streams out of ng events like this:
rx.createObservableFunction(self, 'keypress')
But then how can I use rx
to $watch
and do events without having to inject both rx
and observeOnScope
I'm wondering the same thing.
apparently Rx adds a a few new things on $scope
so you can do something like this:
$scope.$toObservable('ctrl.myProp', true).subscribe((x)=> console.log(x));
one thing I can't figure out still, have to turn $rootScope.$on
events into observables
I think the point here is to not use watchers with scope.
@SmoshySmosh I'm not sure I get what you're saying? I just wanted to know how to create streams out of $watch
able things without having to inject stuff like observeOnScope
into the controller.
I could be wrong on this, but I believe that the topic was about using the controllerAs syntax so you can avoid the use of $scope. It would be nice to use rx to actually observe objects without the use of observeOnScope (which makes a watcher). Maybe something like observeOnVm?
Personally, even before using Rx, I rarely, if ever, use $watch in controllers. I find more effective to use ngChange, ngClick, etc.
Now, with this project, I use something like: rx.createObservableFunction(vm, 'showDialog') { ... });
where vm
contains this
safeApply still need the injected $scope, though.
Idem for observeOnScope:
observeOnScope($scope, function() { return vm.userInput; })...
I kept it here for experimentation, on an input field where user types something to search for (the Wikipedia example). As you see, I used the function form, allowing to select what variable to observe via the vm
syntax, avoiding to use a reference to the "as" name (ie. the name used in the template).
one thing I can't figure out still, have to turn $rootScope.$on events into observables
to turn an Angular event into an Observable, use $rootScope.$eventToObservable(eventName)
Does that answer all your questions @agzam?
I think the point is similar to my issue #123 . I used to use ScopeSchedular to do an apply whenever an observable pushed a message but this has now gone. Using ScopeSchedular I didn't have to inject a scope into my controllers at all and apply got called whenever I needed it to without me having to do anything within my controllers.
I now have to inject scopes into my controllers and manually link up safeApply on each observable I use.
I wonder why scopeschedular was removed and why we can't have a similar solution now.
I now have to inject scopes into my controllers and manually link up safeApply on each observable I use.
But it does not fixing issue with notyfing angular to update scope after onError, does it?
SafeApply can be used for noNext, error and complete: