- 13
- 0
- 4
- 1
ForkJoin not available
#153 opened by stephengardner - 6
BehaviorSubject with rx.angular
#148 opened by GuillaumeUnice - 5
Update examples to use controllerAs since $scope is considered bad practice now
#131 opened by MarkPieszak - 1 example app not working
#145 opened by YagoLopez - 2
- 0
- 5
Using with "controller as" style
#84 opened by faceleg - 3
ScopeSchedular not working (with Rx 4.0.7)
#130 opened by Roaders - 1
- 0
- 0
- 1
rx-angular or angular-rx package name on bower
#99 opened by dkokic - 1
Bower version not correct
#116 opened by rich-j - 0
Binding is delayed sample code.
#135 opened by albatrosary - 1
safeApply for errors
#125 opened by Roaders - 11
Working with ControllerAs
#109 opened by agzam - 0
- 1
Do I need to call dispose on directive $destroy event?
#133 opened by erceth - 2
$$phase of null
#52 opened by felixSchl - 2
Why is ScopeScheduler gone?
#110 opened by bytenik - 1
- 2
- 1
Replacement for ScopeScheduler in RxJs 4.0
#123 opened by Roaders - 1
Post install broken on npm3
#127 opened by avishnyak - 5
Letter casing conventions
#121 opened by ariutta - 3
Some remarks on the doc
#107 opened by PhiLhoSoft - 2
Best way to create a multicast-able createObservableFunction observable?
#51 opened by thomaslundstrom - 1
where do I put Angular 2 integrations?
#83 opened by PatrickJS - 0
Suggestion: add unit tests for the examples
#108 opened by PhiLhoSoft - 8
Using rx.angular.js with the Observer as syntax
#103 opened by PhiLhoSoft - 3
- 1
rxjs 3.1.1 version breaks zipArray
#91 opened by krumax - 1
$toObservable inconsistency
#106 opened by wmaurer - 1
- 3
Time for a new tagged version?
#98 opened by robations - 2
v1.0.0 doesn't work
#102 opened by PhiLhoSoft - 1
Rx.manageScope throws with Rx v4.0.6
#100 opened by sirbarrence - 1
digest() operator does not pass values to subscribers, has no tests or docs
#94 opened by sirbarrence - 2
New methods
#86 opened by xgrommx - 0
ScopeScheduler test questions
#90 opened by sirbarrence - 3
createObservableFunction in services
#89 opened by raysuelzer - 1
rx as peerDependency
#73 opened by majgis - 4
Angular 1.3 compatibility
#75 opened by mriccia - 0
- 1
binding observables to common directives
#79 opened by sirbarrence - 1
Broken in IE 8
#77 opened by Willmo36 - 0
ControllerAs Syntax
#76 opened by cognitronic