
Update examples to use controllerAs since $scope is considered bad practice now

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just thought I'd throw the idea out there.
Maybe the examples could be updated to implement a more new best practice?

Also if you're injecting $scope you might as well just use $scope.$watch right?

Yes, this seems like an excellent idea. I'd love not having to inject $scope and still haven't figured out how to do it.

We're using rx.angular on a Angular 1.5 project that's being written from scratch and we're trying to not use $scope anywhere if we can help it, because this is "the angular way" now. Rx.angular is almost the only reason we're injecting $scope anywhere now.

Same for us angular 1.5x with $scope only due to RxJS

I am also looking for a way to leave &scope in the dust

I created this simple way of using the $createObservableFunction without using $scope, you can technically wrap it in a service and use the 'rx' injection from rx-angular instead of a global rx object. It's not elegant but it works.