Retro Accessibility

A collection of LUA Scripts that make Retro games more accessible to new players and people with disabilities.


  1. Bizhawk Emulator (Download here
  2. The Rom of the games you want to play (We cannot provide this for you, you will need to find it yourself)
  3. The corresponding Lua script for the game you wish to play.


  1. Download the LUA script for the game you want to play.
  2. Load your game and than drag the LUA Script file onto the game window. Alternativly, in Bizhawk, you can click Tools -> LUA Console. A new window will appear, from there click Script -> Open Script and locate the LUA file and open it.
  3. A New window should appear with accessbility options for your game. EACH LUA Script is different as each game will have different options.

Supported Games: (Only Tested on US version of the game)

  • NES - Anticipation
  • NES - Castlevania
  • NES - Mega Man
  • NES - Mega Man 2
  • NES - Mega Man 3
  • NES - Super Mario Bros
  • NES - Super Mario Bros 2
  • NES - Super Mario Bros 3


Is ( Game Name ) Supported? This is a very new project, I don't have a road map of what games will be supported and when. But, I want anyone and everyone that wants to submit their games to this project to do so.

How Can I Help

  1. Create your own LUA script for a game you know very well.
  2. Review and test existing scripts and suggest new options or changes.
  3. Spread the word!

How do I make accessbility options for retro games Using Bizhawk's LUA scripting, I can watch, edit, and freeze different memory addressed in the game as it's running. It's like Game Genie or Cheat Engine but for good.

A good resource I used was RetroAchivevements

Since a lot of what runs Retro Achievements is watching memory addresses, they have a huge source of existing games and memory bookmarks already identified for things like lives, health, powerups, etc. Their emulator, has a Memory Inspector with Code Notes that are HUGELY helpful in understanding how it works.

When you load a supported game in into RALibreRetro, you instantly get all the information and notes their community collected. You may have to do your own research for more obscure games, and some times you need to be creative about how to solve a problem, but this is a amazing place to start and leverage a huge pool of information.