
Make repo public

tathamoddie opened this issue · 16 comments

I’d like to propose that we make this repository public:

  • It’s a great recruitment ad
    ** They’re basically detailed job description
    ** The process by which the content has been built, discussed, and maintained is cool and unique
  • Operationally, it makes our own lives easier, by guaranteeing that all of our staff do have full and complete access
    ** Despite efforts from @AdamKorczynski to find everybody missing, contact them, and invite them, there are still only 137 people (65.6% of Readify) in our GitHub org right now
  • From a competition / business IP perspective, it would be hard for somebody to just pick this up and drop it into their organization anyway
  • @mridsdale16 has already approved from her perspective.

I'm raising this issue to highlight that:

  1. This means that the commit, pull request, and issue history would all become public
  2. If you have a concern with the whole idea, call it out here, or directly to myself + @mridsdale16
  3. If you have a concern with a specific conversation / piece of history, call it out here, or directly to myself + @mridsdale16

Assuming no blocking responses, I'll hit the go-button on Thursday AM.

Tagging specific people who've been involved in the history trail and are thus affected by this:
@michaelnoonan @rbanks54 @shwetashah @andrewabest @cottsak @uglybugger @mjhilton @ducas @kjacobsen @bendetat @chriswithpants @C0ntinuum @emilol @liammclennan @fekberg


Btw, is this a proposal or an FYI?

A proposal that will default to a 'yes' on Thursday AM unless something stops it, so I guess that's basically an FYI?


@tathamoddie I'm a rabid fan of this idea.

I wrote the initial draft with a public audience in mind. Imagine a prospective client asking about our people and we can point them to our value statement. Want to work with and and know what we value in our people? Check out our value statement.

Big +1 from me.


Rob Moore | Readify Principal Consultant, Technical Specialist (Microsoft Azure) | m +61 400 777 763 | e | w

On 2 Jun 2015, at 10:24 am, Tatham Oddie wrote:

I’d like to propose that we make this repository public:

It’s a great recruitment ad ** They’re basically detailed job description ** The process by which the content has been built, discussed, and maintained is cool and unique
Operationally, it makes our own lives easier, by guaranteeing that all of our staff do have full and complete access ** Despite efforts from @AdamKorczynski to find everybody missing, contact them, and invite them, there are still only 137 people (65.6% of Readify) in our GitHub org right now
From a competition / business IP perspective, it would be hard for somebody to just pick this up and drop it into their organization anyway
@mridsdale16 has already approved from her perspective.
I'm raising this issue to highlight that:

This means that the commit, pull request, and issue history would all become public
If you have a concern with the whole idea, call it out here, or directly to myself + @mridsdale16
If you have a concern with a specific conversation / piece of history, call it out here, or directly to myself + @mridsdale16
Assuming no blocking responses, I'll hit the go-button on Thursday AM.

Tagging specific people who've been involved in the history trail and are thus affected by this:
@michaelnoonan @rbanks54 @shwetashah @andrewabest @cottsak @uglybugger @mjhilton @ducas @kjacobsen @bendetat @chriswithpants @C0ntinuum @emilol @liammclennan @fekberg

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

:shipit: sounds awesome to me, would be a fantastic piece of marketing to spread around. It would also be interesting to get some feedback on it outside of the echo chamber :)

As a new starter, it is the moment to tell you how I feel when I'm outside Readify. It was my dream job and most of developers (I know) wish to work for Readify. This is because of this level of transparency and its outside image !!!
I strongly agree with that !!!
Go and make it public :)

Love this idea, +1.

I'm concerned how this will affect our ability to have open (read non politically correct) discussions on the continuing evolution of Mad Skillz... My initial thoughts were "yeah let's do this", but subsequent thoughts are making me second guess.

If we're making this public, we have to be prepared to have those open discussions in the open. More importantly, our managers need to understand this and be okay with it. Sensitive discussions can always be had in a private back-channel if needed.

Another interesting question: what do we do if we get a PR from a random?

Rob Moore | Readify Principal Consultant, Technical Specialist (Microsoft Azure) | m +61 400 777 763 | e | w

On 2 Jun 2015, at 6:56 pm, Chris Gilbert wrote:

If we're making this public, we have to be prepared to have those open discussions in the open. More importantly, our managers need to understand this and be okay with it. Sensitive discussions can always be had in a private back-channel if needed.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.


Make a CLA that requires you to be a current employee.

Sent from my Windows Phone

From: Rob
Sent: ‎2/‎06/‎2015 21:07
To: Readify/
Subject: Re: [madskillz] Make repo public (#31)

Another interesting question: what do we do if we get a PR from a random?

Rob Moore | Readify Principal Consultant, Technical Specialist (Microsoft Azure) | m +61 400 777 763 | e | w

On 2 Jun 2015, at 6:56 pm, Chris Gilbert wrote:

If we're making this public, we have to be prepared to have those open discussions in the open. More importantly, our managers need to understand this and be okay with it. Sensitive discussions can always be had in a private back-channel if needed.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

Genuinely thank them for their effort, tell them we'll discuss how it might
apply and then close the PR pointing at the join site is my first thought.
On 2 Jun 2015 9:07 pm, "Rob Moore" wrote:

Another interesting question: what do we do if we get a PR from a random?

Rob Moore | Readify Principal Consultant, Technical Specialist (Microsoft
Azure) | m +61 400 777 763 | e | w

On 2 Jun 2015, at 6:56 pm, Chris Gilbert

If we're making this public, we have to be prepared to have those open
discussions in the open. More importantly, our managers need to understand
this and be okay with it. Sensitive discussions can always be had in a
private back-channel if needed.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#31 (comment).

@C0ntinuum If a discussion needed to be internal, then we still have Slack/Yammer/emails. If we wanted the PR + issue tracking experience, we could always have a private fork of the repo, and then just publish commits to the public one.

@chriswithpants +1

@robdmoore @aaronpowell @stephengodbold Some combination of these. will need an update to make better sense to externals anyway; we can include something in there about how we handle PRs.

Perhaps we could push from the private repo to a public repo?

I'm going to hit the button now. Lets refresh before we push any comms though.