This is keyword crawler for node.js with phantomjs-prebuilt.
This crawler fit to infinite scroll page, not pagination page.
grpah for crawled and morpheme parsing contents
npm i
- eslint
- babel
npm run dev
If you want to run another task,
Let's edit npm script in package.json or
run below command. (npm v5.2.0 or higher)
npx gulp TASK_NAME
- crawler code (/src/crawlContents.js)
- crawled content's morpheme parsing code(/src/morphemeParser.js)
- count morpheme word code(/src/countKeyword.js)
If you don't know how to write upper codes, Let's see code in demo directory. (It is korean recruitments site sample.)
npm start
If you want to run another crawler,
Let's edit npm script in package.json or
run below command. (npm v5.2.0 or higher)
npx phantomjs ANOTHER_CRAWLER.js
npm test