Pinned Repositories
Doctor has allocated slots each day, Patient should choose one slot from one of them. If patient tries to book a slot that is not present will raise an exception and if patient tries to book the slots during weekends will results an error.
Web app that keeps track of prices of products from different SuperMarkets
Financial strain and suicide attempts are becoming part of the big deal in the universities and college students in Kenya. While doing my research of what has been happening and the factors that a leading in causing such suicide cases I found one of them to be having a higher rating which is the mis management of funds. What is mismanagement of funds in university? What causes the mismanagement of funds in the university? Do parents usually send money to their children at School? Will these problems get a solution? These are some of the questions that kept ringing in my mind while doing this research. After a few consultations by interrogating my friends and fellow students in Katarina university that probably what might be some factors that can cause such issues that I have stated above, I came to conclude that there is a problem when it comes to the student’s side in the management of the money they are sent by the parents. Parents usually send money to their children and have expectations that the money sent to these students can be used in a specific period of time. The money is in the child’s hand, they fail to plan on how to use it and thus causing overestimation of budget which leads to early consumption of the money they were given by their parents. Ladies in universities also go to an extent of being used by men in order to get money to sustain them so that they can wait for their parents to send some cash to them Some of them go to an extent of taking alcohol and doing immoral things at school because of the amount of money they receive at once from their parent. These can go to an extent of being stressed and later some of them prefer suicide. As a computer science student, I thought of this to be stopped by implementing a software that can be used to bridge the connection between the parents and the children at the university. Using the current technology, we can use them to solve such problems and thus end up saving lives of many at the university.
Solar simulator in javacript
A Safaricom's DarajaAPI for Flask Applications.
how to send OTP to validate the phone in Django . Then we create REST APIs and validate them in Postman. Till here we have created our first API and model to store OTP and Phone number in our database.
using tinydb and python
The resume builder web application will help students to automatically generate a resume by filling out the details in the form and it will create a pdf for users to download the formatted resume.
Twitter App Fully functional with Django .
Real-Python-Projects's Repositories
Web app that keeps track of prices of products from different SuperMarkets
Financial strain and suicide attempts are becoming part of the big deal in the universities and college students in Kenya. While doing my research of what has been happening and the factors that a leading in causing such suicide cases I found one of them to be having a higher rating which is the mis management of funds. What is mismanagement of funds in university? What causes the mismanagement of funds in the university? Do parents usually send money to their children at School? Will these problems get a solution? These are some of the questions that kept ringing in my mind while doing this research. After a few consultations by interrogating my friends and fellow students in Katarina university that probably what might be some factors that can cause such issues that I have stated above, I came to conclude that there is a problem when it comes to the student’s side in the management of the money they are sent by the parents. Parents usually send money to their children and have expectations that the money sent to these students can be used in a specific period of time. The money is in the child’s hand, they fail to plan on how to use it and thus causing overestimation of budget which leads to early consumption of the money they were given by their parents. Ladies in universities also go to an extent of being used by men in order to get money to sustain them so that they can wait for their parents to send some cash to them Some of them go to an extent of taking alcohol and doing immoral things at school because of the amount of money they receive at once from their parent. These can go to an extent of being stressed and later some of them prefer suicide. As a computer science student, I thought of this to be stopped by implementing a software that can be used to bridge the connection between the parents and the children at the university. Using the current technology, we can use them to solve such problems and thus end up saving lives of many at the university.
A Safaricom's DarajaAPI for Flask Applications.
Twitter App Fully functional with Django .
how to send OTP to validate the phone in Django . Then we create REST APIs and validate them in Postman. Till here we have created our first API and model to store OTP and Phone number in our database.
using tinydb and python
This application allows users reset there password using Otp registration method
Doctor has allocated slots each day, Patient should choose one slot from one of them. If patient tries to book a slot that is not present will raise an exception and if patient tries to book the slots during weekends will results an error.
flask file upload on an rest api , resizing an naming unique
Solar simulator in javacript
The resume builder web application will help students to automatically generate a resume by filling out the details in the form and it will create a pdf for users to download the formatted resume.
Authentication app with both email and phone verification using africanstalking sms api
Users can buy merchandise from the store so we also have set up a payment module to handle transactions.
Bringing solution to Hospitals with a sofware management system
These is mpesa intergration app