Binding components have issues with SubViewModel's
MorganMoon opened this issue · 1 comments
Binding components cannot find any SubViewModels. It seems to be an issue with the editor side of the binding components (ex. One Way Property Binding). This issue is reproducible in the example projects, if you open it up and go into the "Template_selector" example, it all seems to work fine (Which is where I think this is coming from the editor), however in the Hierarchy if you go under Canvas->Output and any of the text which is suppose to binded, the binding components seem to be missing information (even though they are working fine, I think this is because these values were set in an older version of Unity-Weld). IF you remove the One Way Binding Component and try to recreate it, you will find it to be impossible, and now the binding is broken. The error you receive is: ApplicationException: Could not find the specified view model "ViewModelClassName".
Ah, nevermind, turns out I need to include the namespace in the subviewmodel component. Although, I guess the examples should be updated ;P