A performant low cost and lightweight alternative to Spigot for complex servers.
Here is the todo list if you want to implement them. Don't forget to modify the README file.
- Add basic commands
- /tp
- /give
- /gamemode
- /about
- /effect
- /clear
- /kick
- /ban
- /title
- Add chat and commands support
- Simple chat
- Handle commands
- Add events support
- Chat
- Damage
- Block Place
- Block Break
- Join
- Quit
- Add interactions support
- Block break
- Block place
- Block use
- Entity use
- Entity attack
- Add world generators
- Empty
- Normal
- Custom
- Optimize CPU
- Tick loop
- Players handler
Here is a sample server for trying Pipe.
Join us for help or chat with anothers contributors !