#Volafile userscripts

These are (mostly) useful scripts that will enchance your volafiling.

##Volacoin Miner This is a joke script that "mines" "volacoins".

##Volafile Case Randomizer This will randomize the casing in your name. If your original name was Dongmaster, it would then become dOOngMasTER or some other random combination.

##Volafile Chat++ This script adds additional chat commands. #####List of commands

  1. /rev

/rev will reverse everything in your message. Example: /rev This is reversed.

##Volafile Chat Filter This script allows you to filter users in chat. Please press Edit on the script after you've installed it to learn how to use it.

##Volafile Chat History This script adds terminal-like history. Press the up and down arrow keys in chat to go through past messages.

##Volafile Chat Max History This script increases the limit for chat messages to the old default (1000).

##Volafile Clear Chat This script adds a button that allows you to clear the chat. For some reason you need to press the button several times. I don't know why.

##Volafile Highlight++ This script allows you to add words you want to be highlighted by. You can, for example, be highlighted by the word dog whenever someone says the word dog.

##Volafile IP Address Hider Moderator Only script. This script will hide IP addresses. It's not very reliable but it works, kind of.

##Volafile Last Highlight This script will scroll to the last highlight in chat.

##Volafile Name to Chat Click a name and it will appear in the chat input. Downside: clicking names won't open a new tab of their profile.

##Volafile Only Chat Or Upload This script allows you to toggle between showing either the chat or the file list. Useful for watching movies with other people on Volafile and you want to have both Volafile and the movie open at the same time and be able to read the chat on Volafile.

##Volafile Perma Admin Chat This script will toggle admin chat, so you don't have to type /a everytime you want to say something in admin chat. You can use the shortcut CTRL+Enter to toggle it. Or you can press the button next to the user counter to toggle it.

##Volafile Show Filter Buttons Automatically clicks the "Filter Files" button for you when entering a room.

##Volafile Sound Notification This script will play a sound (Quake III hitsound) whenever someone highlights you. Works nicely with the Volafile Highlight++ script.

##Volafile Timestamp One of the most useful scripts. This script will add timestamps to the chat. 24-hour format only. Americans need not apply.

##Volafile Emoji Adds emojis to the volafile chat. Full list of emoji commands can be found here: http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/