Cluster setup:

There are two important components that a cluster would need to enable CRD versioning:

  • Cert manager to manage certificates. API and conversion webhook communicate over TLS, hence the need for certs.
  • Storage version migrator to migrate existing CRs to desired storage version defined in the CRD.

Creation of the API(defining types.go):

Following the quickstart from kubebuilder, scaffolded the files. (you don't need to do this if you're cloning the repo)

  • kubebuilder create api --group webapp --version v1 --kind Guestbook

Code is segmented in branches.

  • In the v1 branch, "" API will be the stored version and "" will be introduced to users. Additionally, we could add a deprecation warning on "" and start requesting users to move to "".
  • In the v2 branch, "" will be set as the stored version. Users can still view objects in "" but they should start migrating objects to "" using Storage Version Migrator.
  • In the v3, "" will no longer be a served version, therefore deprecating it. Users can no longer view objects in v1.

To deploy a branch :

  • Run make install
  • Run make deploy IMG=harshthakur/guestbook-controller