
the discord bot for the progressbar95 discord server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


the bot i made for the progressbar95 discord


The bot requires a file called config.json to run.

Copy the file config-template.json and rename it to config.json and replace all of the template information with your own information.

Here is a table for what each of the items mean.

JSON Key Description How to get it Example
botOwnerID Your Discord User ID. Required for some commands. Where can i find my User/Server/Message ID? 284804878604435476
token Your Bot's Token. Required for the bot to login. Go to your bot's page on the Discord Developer Page, Go to the "Bot" Tab, Click the "Copy' Button. NzI1ODUxOTMzMjA5Nzg4NDQ4.XvUwSg.oiS1YI3ujhu3jz70qd2-kZJOTUs
clientID Your Bot's client ID. Required to register your bot's commands. Go to your bot's page on the Discord Developer Page, Go to the "General Information" Tab, Click the "Copy" Button where it says "Application ID" 725851933209788448
guildID Your "Testing Server". Required for loading the bot's command on only one server, but not globaly. Where can i find my User/Server/Message ID? 835625916922986556
webhookId The ID for your Discord Webhook. Required for the /suggest command. Create a new webhook, copy the webhook URL, copy the part after webhooks/ 854531644504932352
webhookToken The token for your Discord Webhook. Required for the /suggest command. Create a new webhook, copy the part after webhooks/[WEBHOOK-ID] 5gdlXCSrANZhv3y0qBBNXGu0ZqiTF17ikRASyp5nBv8V3ty1BD_n_fpAfkPrtbEDLri7
mysqlUser Your MySQL user's username. Create a MySQL user, and copy the username. zai
mysqlPass Your MySQL user's password. remember the password for your mysql user MyPassword
mysqlDB Your MySQL database name. Create a database, and copy the name. You will need to have the database's collation set to utfmb4_unicode_ci. Create a table named tags and add four columns with the following names and types. name, tinytext, content, text, userid, bigint, username, tinytext. xai
activityType They type of activity your bot will use. Used for the bot's status. Valid options are PLAYING, WATCHING, LISTENING, COMPETING. (There's also STREAMING, but it won't probably work) WATCHING
activity The game your bot is playing. used for the bot's status. Use your imagination! your every move.

Building and Running

This bot uses Node.js, so make sure you have that first (you can get that from here).

Download all modules by running npm i, run the bot by running run.bat (or run-no-g.bat to only initialize the bot for 1 guild and not globally.)

To remove your commands, run remove-commands.bat.