
🎵💀 An AI-driven plugin to combat toxicity.

🚩 Source code of the Tune spigot plugin, made with love in Java.

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What is it?

Tune is a spigot plugin that allows you to automatically moderate your chat using the power of AI.

The spigotmc page, including a download link, can be found here.

Project Layout

Here you can see the current structure of the project.

├─ 📂 showcase/       # ✨ Showcase (eg. for spigot)
├─ 📂 src/            # 🌟 Source Files
│  ├─ 📂 assets/          # ✒️ Plugin Assets
│  │  └─ 📂 languages/    # 📦 Language Files
│  ├─ 📂 de/stylextv/     # ✉️ Source Code
│  │  └─ 📂 plib/         # ✉️ Library Source Code
│  │  └─ 📂 tune/         # ✉️ Plugin Source Code
│  └─ 📄 plugin.yml       # 📌 Plugin-YML
├─ 📂 version/        # 📬 Versions (used by the auto-updater)
└─ 📃 readme.md       # 📖 Read Me!