Pinned issues
Convert header menu to be API based to avoid it not being generated
#271 opened by RealRaven2000
- 42
- 7
double registration same e-mail
#281 opened by Luigi23465234 - 2
Auto-Fill content for `%to%`, `%recipient%` and `%from%` when clicking Contact context menu "Compose Message To"
#275 opened by RealRaven2000 - 4
Allow using escaped commas `\,` within text parameters of variables, where possible
#280 opened by RealRaven2000 - 1
New "Edit template" Button in file templates - to open template in user defined editor
#282 opened by RealRaven2000 - 2
- 2
- 10
Feature Request: Add support for preheaders
#274 opened by RealRaven2000 - 3
- 16
Cardbook: Deferred variable (clicking on the pink "to(name)" field not pulling data from B intermittently
#257 opened by RealRaven2000 - 2
Allow `%replaceText%` and `%deleteText%` to work on content that was imported using `%file()%`
#244 opened by RealRaven2000 - 3
- 10
- 3
- 0
- 1
Configure Menu from "Insert Snippet" menu only flashes settings window and closes it automatically
#270 opened by RealRaven2000 - 24
`%to(addressbook,other.custom*)%` not working from smart fragments menu [Cardbook]
#246 opened by orcofthedarkness - 0
Remove deprecated `FileUtils.getFile()` to fix `%file%` in Tb 122 and later
#276 opened by RealRaven2000 - 2
Load accounts settings doesn't work
#273 opened by RealRaven2000 - 12
SmartTemplates ignored when creating an email from the Thunderbird taskbar context menu
#272 opened by goozak - 2
Regression in 4.3.1: Composer menu buttons are missing the item "Open template file..."
#269 opened by RealRaven2000 - 11
Asyncify template scripting
#266 opened by benibela - 3
- 1
Support `<div type='cite'>` for raising quote level in commands that have quote level parameters
#265 opened by RealRaven2000 - 1
- 6
New feature: list of most recent templates (write / fwd & reply) for template menus
#263 opened by RealRaven2000 - 3
Add accelerator keys for template menus (Write, Forward, Reply, Reply All and Reply to List)
#262 opened by RealRaven2000 - 1
- 5
- 6
- 3
- 1
KI in Thunderbird?
#260 opened by Peter300875 - 0
- 4
4.0b3 regression - composer: open snippet / change template from file directly inserts nothing
#249 opened by RealRaven2000 - 2
- 1
- 10
SmartTemplates describes itself as "open source" but does not meet the open source definition.
#250 opened by Destroyinator69420 - 4
- 2
- 0
Update "# licensed days left" at midnight.
#242 opened by RealRaven2000 - 0
Feature Request: Language detection
#241 opened by KlausEyl - 0
Regression (3.16) invalid HTML signature path can lead to problems in template
#240 opened by RealRaven2000 - 1
- 1
- 2
Allow `%file()%` command to use `../` to access parent folders of a file
#237 opened by RealRaven2000 - 3
feature request: `%deleteForwardedBody%` to remove body of forwarded mail
#236 opened by RealRaven2000 - 2
- 0
Image on my html template won't show image on mail
#235 opened by Palomocojo - 1
Improvements in Template Manager
#233 opened by RealRaven2000 - 5