
A package to parse TypeDoc JSON output

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TypeDoc JSON Parser

A package to parse TypeDoc JSON output.

GitHub npm

Support Server


When creating a library in TypeScript, you will often need to create documentation. Very commonly you'll find yourself using TypeDoc to generate documentation. However, TypeDoc's JSON output is not very useful for parsing. This package makes this entire process of utilizing the JSON output of TypeDoc a lot easier.


You can use the following command to install this package, or replace npm install -D with your package manager of choice.

npm install -D typedoc-json-parser typedoc


Before using this package's CLI you'll need to have TypeDoc setup correctly.

Here is an example typedoc.json taken from our package's repository.

  "$schema": "https://typedoc.org/schema.json",
  "entryPoints": ["src/index.ts"],
  "json": "docs/api.json",
  "tsconfig": "src/tsconfig.json"

CLI Usage

You can provider all options through CLI flags.

Usage: typedoc-json-parser [options]

  --json [path]     Path to the TypeDoc JSON output file to parse
  --migrate [path]  Path to the directory containing TypeDoc JSON Parser output files to migrate
  -v, --verbose     Print verbose information (default: false)
  -h, --help        display help for command

You can also set these options through a configuration file. This file should be located at your current working directory. It should be named .typedoc-json-parserrc, optionally suffixed with .json, .yml, or .yaml.

When using .typedoc-json-parserrc or .typedoc-json-parserrc.json as your config file you can also use the JSON schema to get schema validation. To do so, add the following to your config file.

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RealShadowNova/typedoc-json-parser/main/assets/typedoc-json-parser.schema.json"

Example JSON file

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RealShadowNova/typedoc-json-parser/main/assets/typedoc-json-parser.schema.json",
  "json": "docs/api.json"

Example YAML file

json: 'docs/api.json'

Migrating JSON Files

If you need to migrate JSON files from a previous version of this package, you can use the migrate CLI flag. This will recursively search the provided directory for JSON files and migrate them to the latest version.

typedoc-json-parser --migrate docs

Node.js Usage

Once you have used the CLI to parse the TypeDoc JSON output, you'll want to use that data to create documentation. This package makes that extremely easy to do.

import { readFile } from 'node:fs';
import { resolve } from 'node:path';
import { ProjectParser } from 'typedoc-json-parser';

const data = JSON.parse(readFile(resolve(process.cwd(), 'docs', 'api.json'), 'utf8'));
const project = new ProjectParser({ data });

// Do something with the project


While currently we do not have a dedicated way to view documentation for this package, you can still use the intellisense from your IDE and read our source code.