
Relay ical urls and edit them on the fly with different modules.

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Relay ical urls and edit them on the fly with different modules.


You can download an example configuration file from here.

The edited ical can be accessed on http://server/profiles/profilename

Docker Container

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v ~/ical-relay/:/etc/ical-relay/ ghcr.io/jm-lemmi/ical-relay

You can mount mount templates from /opt/ical-relay/templates to edit them. Please be aware of updates to the templates when choosing this method.

Debian package

Download the package from the latest release.

Install with your package manager:

apt install ./ical-relay_1.3.0_amd64.deb

This will create a systemd service called ical-relay.service which can be started with systemctl start ical-relay.service. The defualt configuration file is located at /etc/ical-relay/config.yml.

Run a notifier manually:

/usr/bin/ical-relay --notifier <name> --config config.yml


  • Run from source: go run .
  • Build and run: go build . && ./ical-relay


  addr: ":80"
  loglevel: "info"
  storagepath: "/etc/ical-relay/"

    source: "https://example.com/calendar.ics"
    public: true
    immutable-past: true
    - name: "delete-bysummary-regex"
      regex: "testentry"
      from: "2021-12-02T00:00:00Z"
      until: "2021-12-31T00:00:00Z"
      expires: "2022-12-06T00:00:00Z"
    - name: "add-url"
      url: "https://othersource.com/othercalendar.ics"
      header-Cookie: "MY_AUTH_COOKIE=abcdefgh"

    source: "http://localhost/relay"
    interval: "15m"
    smtp_server: "mailout.julian-lemmerich.de"
    smtp_port: "25"
    sender: "calnotification@julian-lemmerich.de"
    - email: "jm.lemmerich@gmail.com"

The server section contains the configuration for the HTTP server. You can change the loglevel to "debug" to get more information. You can list as many profiles as you want. Each profile has to have a source. You can then add as many modules as you want. They are identified by the name:. All other fields are dependent on the module. The modules are executed in the order they are listed and you can call a module multiple times.


Feel free do open a PR with modules of your own.

Adding expires: <RFC3339> to any module will remove it on the next cleanup cycle after the date has passed. Currently the Cleanup runs every 1h.


Even though immutable past is not really a module, it is listed here, cause it fits.

Add immutable-past: true in the profile to enable it.

If you enable immutable past, the relay will save all events that have already happened in a file called <profile>-past.ics in the storage path. Next time the profile is called, the past events will be added to the ical.


  • regex: The regex to match the summary against
  • from, optional: Beginning of timeframe that should be deleted in, in RFC3339 format
  • until, optional: End of timeframe that should be deleted in, in RFC3339 format


  • id: The id of the event to delete


  • url: Adds all events from the specified url.
  • header-<headername>, optional: Adds a header to the request. Can be used to pass authentication cookies or X-Forwarded-Host headers.


  • file: Adds all events from the specified local file.


Deletes all events in the specified timeframe.

  • after: Start of the timeframe to be deleted in RFC3339 format or "now" for current time as value. If only after is specified, all events after the date are deleted.
  • before: End of the timeframe to be deleted in RFC3339 format or "now" for current time as value. If only before is specified, all events before the date are deleted.


Deletes events, if there already is an event with the same start, end and summary.

No parameters.


Edits an Event with the passed id. Parameters:

  • id: the id of the event to edit
  • overwrite, default true: Possible values are 'true', 'false' and 'fillempty'. True: Overwrite the property if it already exists; False: Append, Fillempty: Only fills empty properties. Does not apply to 'new-start' and 'new-end'.
  • new-summary, optional: the new summary
  • new-description, optional: the new description
  • new-start, optional: the new start time in RFC3339 format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
  • new-end, optional: the new end time in RFC3339 format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"
  • new-location, optional: the new location


Edits all Events with the matching regex title. Parameters:

  • id, mandatory: the id of the event to edit
  • overwrite, default true: Possible values are 'true', 'false' and 'fillempty'. True: Overwrite the property if it already exists; False: Append, Fillempty: Only fills empty properties. Does not apply to 'new-start' and 'new-end'.
  • after, optional: beginning of search timeframe
  • before, optional: end of search timeframe
  • new-summary, optional: the new summary
  • new-description, optional: the new description
  • new-start, optional: the new start time in RFC3339 format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" or "now"
  • new-end, optional: the new end time in RFC3339 format "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" or "now"
  • new-location, optional: the new location
  • move-time, optional, not together with 'new-start' or 'new-end': add time to the whole entry, to move entry. uses Go ParseDuration: most useful units are "m", "h"

known issues:

move-time, when the original time does not have a timezone, sets the timezone to UTC, so it needs to be adjusted for that.


This module saves the current calendar to a local file.

  • file: full path of file to save


For details about the API endpoints, see the swagger documentation at ./documentation/swagger.yml

Autorization is done in three levels:

  • Public: No token, can use all public endpoints.
  • Profile-Admin: Token for a specific profile, can use most endpoints for this profile, but not all module types.
  • Super-Admin: Rights for all profiles and can also use all modules. May include LFI or CSRF-capable config options. Should be used with caution.


The notifiers do not have to reference a local ical, you can also use this to only call external icals.

You can configure SMTP with authentication or without to use an external mailserver, or something local like boky/postfix.

If you start the calendar with the --notifier flag, it will start the notifier from config. This allows setting up cronjobs to run the notifier.


This Project was developed for my own use, and I do not offer support for this at all.

If you do want to use it and need help I will try my best to help, but I can't promise anyting. You can contact me here: help@julian-lemmerich.de