
🤖 GitLab automation using Kubernetes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Container with various housekeeping scripts for GitLab which can be deployed as a Kubernetes Job or CronJob.

Deploy with Helm

  1. Add a bot user in GitLab and create a personal access token.

  2. Deploy a secret for the bot containing using kubectl:

    kubectl create secret generic gitlab-api \
        --from-literal=username=<USERNAME> \
        --from-literal=email=<EMAIL> \
  3. Customise the values.yaml according to your needs. You probably want to adjust thre parameters gitlab.url and projects and enable one or more plugins.

  4. Install the Helm chart:

    helm install oci://ghcr.io/realiserad/charts/gitlab-jobs --version 0.4.0 --values values.yaml
  5. Sit back and relax while Kubernetes takes care of automating your GitLab instance. 🍷

Implemented jobs

All jobs can be found in the jobs folder.

All jobs must run with the following environment variables set:

  • GITLAB_BASE_URL: The base URL of the GitLab instance, e.g. https://gitlab.company.com.
  • $GITLAB_API_TOKEN: The API token used to authenticate to GitLab.


Mark merge requests that have been inactive for the specified amount of time as rotten.


  • ROTTEN_AFTER: The number of days that a merge request must have been inactive before it is marked as rotten.
  • PROJECTS: A comma-separated list of projects to search for rotten merge requests, e.g. owner/repo1,owner/repo2.


Close merge requests marked as rotten.


  • PROJECTS: A comma-separated list of projects where rotten merge requests should be closed, e.g. owner/repo1,owner/repo2.
  • CLOSE_AFTER: The number of days that a merge request must have been marked as rotten before it is closed.


Creates an OWNERS_ALIASES file compatible with Jenkins X foreign aliases from the group permissions on your GitLab instance.


  • PROJECT: The name of the project where the OWNERS_ALIASES file should be created, e.g. owner/repo.
  • COMMITTER_NAME: The name of your GitLab bot. Used for commits.
  • COMMITTER_EMAIL: The email of your GitLab bot. Used for commits.