
Console based, simple Discord message sender and reciever

Primary LanguagePython


The simple kinda-discord client alt text

What is this?

This is a rewrite of Pycord on the new Discord.py rewrite. It's aim is not only to move onto a new version of Discord.py but to also move on from the caviates that plagued the previous versions of Pycord such as the try spam, lots of untested code and my rather limited knowledge of Python at the beginning of the project


Pycord Windows executables are currently available to download here!

To get it to successfully launch, you'll need to download the latest config.json, edit it and done! No Python required.


Person Contribution
RealistikDash Programmig, Polish traslation
Dragoofficial French translation
TheRealCed German translation

Use examples of Pycord

This project began when my school blocked Discord. Because of this, I made a Discord message sender and viewer that can be easily ran on something like a VPS or repl.it (which is why it is console based).

With Pycord, you are able to send and recieve messages through a bot (user accounts might be a possibility soon) (Update: found a decent way of getting it to work so probably will come soon)


System Python Discord.py Status
Windows 10 3.7.4 1.2.3 Works!
Repl.it (Linux) 3.7.4 1.2.4 Inactivity Crashes
Ubuntu 3.6.8 1.2.3 Inactivity Crashes


This section's aim is to explain each variable of the config.json file. Creating this file is now taken care of by the config maker but if you want to manually edit it, here's how.

    "token" : "sampletoken",
    "ExperimantalMode" : 0,
    "Messenger" : {
        "channelId" : 458748688504848396,
        "defaultGame" : "Example Game"
    "Viewer" : {
        "ViewAll" : 0,
        "ChannelWhitelist" : [123456789, 123456789],
        "TimeFormat" : 1

Here is what each variable does.

Token - This is where the BOT token goes. This will be used to log into the Discord bot.

ExperimentalMode - If set to 1, it will enable some features that are either half working or may not work with some systems.

Messenger - A dictionary that stores all the Pycord Messenger configuration.

Messenger>channelId - The default channel id that the messages will be sent to

Messenger>defaultGame - This will be the default playing message upon opening Pycord Messenger. Set to "False" for none.

Viewer - A dictionary that stores all the Pycord Viewer configuration.

Viewer>ViewAll - If set to 1, all messages from all channels will be displayed in Pycord Viewer. If set to 0, only chanels in the next variable will be displayed.

Viewer>ChannelWhitelist - If ViewAll is set to 0, only channnels with their channel ids in this array will be displayed.

Viewer>TimeFormat - Value of 0-3. Chooses which time format to use in front of messages displayed. 0 = None. 1 = H:M:S. 2 = H:M. 3 = D/M/Y H:M:S