
An updated Discord.js git repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project is my first attempt at fixing the Discordjs.guide and making it easier and more user friendly to understand.

I have fixed every bug, every problem, and every error with the original code. I have also put everything together and I commented everything for an easier learning experience. On top of all of that everything has been updated to v14.8!

I'm almost positive someone will find something wrong here to feel free to create an issue.


node.js: ^19.7.0

chalk: ^5.2.0

discord.js: ^14.8.0

dotenv: ^16.0.3

git: ^0.1.5


1: In the main folder, create a file titled: config.json 2: copy this code inside of it:

{ "token": "insert-bot-token-here", "clientId": "insert-clientId-here", "guildId": "insert-guildId-here" }


1: Before running the bot, open up a terminal that is cd'd into the main folder

2: Run this command: node deploy-commands This command is what uploads the /commands into the discord api for your bot to use. (You only need to run this the first time you run your bot, and every change you make to the files in the commands folder)

3: Once commands have been deployed run the command: node . This will start the bot and you can now use it.


NONE OF THIS CODE IS DIRECTLY MINE ALL CREDIT GOES TO: https://github.com/discordjs/guide

This is only meant to be a template laying the groundwork for YOU to create a bot, this is not fully featured and is just the barebones of a Discord Bot.