Library Management System (C++)

This is a C++ based Library Management System implemented as a Visual Studio Project. The system allows administrators to create user accounts and users to interact with the library catalog.


  1. Admin Login: The system includes an admin login feature for managing the library.
  2. User Account Creation: Admins can create user accounts with various details like ID, name, email, password, phone number, and account type.
  3. User Login: Users can login into the system using their ID and password.
  4. Access Menu: Users can view all books, search for a book, and buy a book (only for staff account type).


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio.
  3. Build and run the project.


  1. Admin Login: Enter the admin username/password. The system accepts four admin credentials: lib1/librarian1, lib2/librarian2, lib3/librarian3, and lib4/librarian4.
  2. Create User Account: Choose option 1 after admin login to create a new user account. Input the necessary details when prompted.
  3. User Login: After the account is created, the user can log in using their ID and password.
  4. Access Menu: After logging in, users can access the library catalog. They can choose to view all books, search for a specific book by title or production year, or buy a book (only available for staff accounts).