
Scout for alarming issues across your Kubernetes clusters

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Open Source Love CI DockerBuild Release Go project version GoDoc Docker


An alerting tool for Kubernetes clusters issues of all types, in real time, with intelligent redundancy, and easily extendable api.

Output Example

Pod default/test-2-broken-image-7cbf974df9-gbnk9 is un-healthy:
Container test-2-broken-image still waiting due to ImagePullBackOff: Back-off pulling image "nginx:l4t3st"
Event by kubelet: Failed x4 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Failed to pull image "nginx:l4t3st": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for nginx:l4t3st not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
Event by kubelet: Failed x4 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Error: ErrImagePull
Event by kubelet: Failed x6 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Error: ImagePullBackOff
Pod default/test-3-excessive-resources-699d58f55f-9gfft is un-healthy:
Unschedulable: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory. (last transition: 4 minutes ago)
Event by default-scheduler: FailedScheduling since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 4 minutes ago):
	0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
Pod default/test-4-crashlooping-dbdd84589-jvplc is un-healthy:
Container test-4-crashlooping is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Error (exit code 1)
Event by kubelet: BackOff x7 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Back-off restarting failed container
Logs of container test-4-crashlooping:
Pod default/test-5-completed-757685986-r4tg2 is un-healthy:
Container test-5-completed is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Completed (exit code 0)
Event by kubelet: BackOff x8 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Back-off restarting failed container
Logs of container test-5-completed:
Pod default/test-6-crashlooping-init-644545f5b7-bsvrn is un-healthy:
Container test-6-crashlooping-init-container (init) is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Error (exit code 1)
test-6-crashlooping-init-container (init) terminated due to Error (exit code 1)
Container test-6-crashlooping-init-container (init) restarted 5 times
Event by kubelet: BackOff x8 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):
	Back-off restarting failed container
Logs of container test-6-crashlooping-init-container:

Or in json format:

  "alerts_by_cluster_name": {
    "minikube": [
        "cluster_name": "minikube",
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "test-2-broken-image-7cbf974df9-gbnk9",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "messages": [
          "Container test-2-broken-image still waiting due to ErrImagePull: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for nginx:l4t3st not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown",
          "Container test-2-broken-image still waiting due to ImagePullBackOff: Back-off pulling image \"nginx:l4t3st\""
        "events": [
          "Event by kubelet: Failed x4 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 1 minute ago):\n\tFailed to pull image \"nginx:l4t3st\": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: manifest for nginx:l4t3st not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown",
          "Event by kubelet: Failed x4 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 1 minute ago):\n\tError: ErrImagePull",
          "Event by kubelet: Failed x6 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 1 minute ago):\n\tError: ImagePullBackOff"
        "timestamp": "2021-10-27T14:24:21.181725Z"
        "cluster_name": "minikube",
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "test-3-excessive-resources-699d58f55f-9gfft",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "messages": [
          "Unschedulable: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory. (last transition: 3 minutes ago)"
        "events": [
          "Event by default-scheduler: FailedScheduling since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 3 minutes ago):\n\t0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory."
        "timestamp": "2021-10-27T14:24:21.181725Z"
        "cluster_name": "minikube",
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "test-4-crashlooping-dbdd84589-jvplc",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "messages": [
          "Container test-4-crashlooping is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Error (exit code 1)"
        "events": [
          "Event by kubelet: BackOff x7 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):\n\tBack-off restarting failed container"
        "logs_by_container_name": {
          "test-4-crashlooping": "1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
        "timestamp": "2021-10-27T14:24:21.181725Z"
        "cluster_name": "minikube",
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "test-5-completed-757685986-r4tg2",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "messages": [
          "Container test-5-completed is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Completed (exit code 0)"
        "events": [
          "Event by kubelet: BackOff x8 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):\n\tBack-off restarting failed container"
        "logs_by_container_name": {
          "test-5-completed": "1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
        "timestamp": "2021-10-27T14:24:21.181725Z"
        "cluster_name": "minikube",
        "namespace": "default",
        "name": "test-6-crashlooping-init-644545f5b7-bsvrn",
        "kind": "Pod",
        "messages": [
          "Container test-6-crashlooping-init-container (init) is in CrashLoopBackOff: restarted 5 times, last exit due to Error (exit code 1)"
        "events": [
          "Event by kubelet: BackOff x8 since 27 Oct 21 14:20 UTC (last seen 2 minutes ago):\n\tBack-off restarting failed container"
        "logs_by_container_name": {
          "test-6-crashlooping-init-container": "1\n2\n3\n4\n5"
        "timestamp": "2021-10-27T14:24:21.181725Z"


Problems Coverage and Roadmap

  • ✓ Pod evictions
    • _ Clean up
  • ✓ Pod stuck terminating
    • _ Graceful clean up
  • ✓ Pod pending/unschedulable/pull-backoff
  • ✓ Pod stuck initializing
  • ✓ Pod excessively restating or crashloops
  • ✓ Logs of relevant containers when applicable
  • ✓ Node taints/unready
  • ✓ Warning events on any entity
  • _ Node excessive disk usage per fs partition
  • _ Node excessive process allocation
  • _ Node excessive inode allocation
  • Warning/errors in native logs
    • _ Docker
    • _ Containerd
    • _ Kubelet
    • _ System
  • _ Helm failures


   kubescout - 0.1.15 - Scout for alarming issues in your Kubernetes cluster

   kubescout                    [optional flags]

   --verbose, --vv                        Verbose logging (default: false) [$VERBOSE]
   --logs-tail value                      Specifies the logs tail length when reporting logs from a problematic pod, use 0 to disable log extraction (default: 250) [$LOGS_TAIL]
   --events-limit value                   Maximum number of namespace events to fetch (default: 150) [$EVENTS_LIMIT]
   --kubeconfig value, -k value           kubeconfig file path, defaults to env var KUBECONFIG or ~/.kube/config, can be omitted when running in cluster [$KUBECONFIG]
   --time-format value, -f value          timestamp print format (default: "02 Jan 06 15:04 MST") [$TIME_FORMAT]
   --locale value, -l value               timestamp print localization (default: "UTC") [$LOCALE]
   --pod-creation-grace-sec value         grace period in seconds since pod creation before checking its statuses (default: 5) [$POD_CREATION_GRACE_SEC]
   --pod-starting-grace-sec value         grace period in seconds since pod creation before alarming on non running states (default: 600) [$POD_STARTING_GRACE_SEC]
   --pod-termination-grace-sec value      grace period in seconds since pod termination (default: 60) [$POD_TERMINATION_GRACE_SEC]
   --pod-restart-grace-count value        grace count for pod restarts (default: 3) [$POD_RESTART_GRACE_COUNT]
   --node-resource-usage-threshold value  node resources usage threshold (default: 0.85)
   --exclude-ns value, -e value           namespaces to skip [$EXCLUDE_NS]
   --include-ns value, -n value           namespaces to include (will skip any not listed if this option is used) [$INCLUDE_NS]
   --dedup-minutes value, -d value        time in minutes to silence duplicate or already observed alerts, or 0 to disable deduplication (default: 60) [$DEDUP_MINUTES]
   --store-filepath value, -s value       path to store file where state will be persisted or empty string to disable persistency (default: "kube-scout.store.json") [$STORE_FILEPATH]
   --output value, -o value               output mode, one of pretty/json/yaml/discard (default: "pretty") [$OUTPUT_MODE]
   --context value, -c value              context name to use from kubeconfig, defaults to current context
   --not-in-cluster                       hint to scan out of cluster even if technically kubescout is running in a pod (default: false) [$NOT_IN_CLUSTER]
   --all-contexts, -a                     iterate all kubeconfig contexts, 'context' flag will be ignored if this flag is set (default: false)
   --exclude-contexts value               a comma separated list of kubeconfig context names to skip, only relevant if 'all-contexts' flag is set
   --help, -h                             show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                          print the version (default: false)

For example:

kubescout --kubeconfig /root/.kube/config --name staging-cluster
kubescout --exclude-ns kube-system
kubescout --include-ns default,test,prod
kubescout -n default -c aws-cluster


curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reallyliri/kubescout/main/install.sh | sudo bash
# or for a specific version:
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reallyliri/kubescout/main/install.sh | sudo bash -s 0.1.0

If that doesn't work, try:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reallyliri/kubescout/main/install.sh -o install.sh
sudo bash install.sh

then run: kubescout -h

Monitoring Setup

Scout your cluster(s) on a schedule or on demand with the following setup options:

Install using Helm

helm upgrade -i -n default kubescout ./chart

Values configuration examples:

helm upgrade -i -f custom-values.yaml kubescout ./chart
helm upgrade -i \
  --set image.tag="$(go run . --version | cut -d" " -f 3)" \
  --set run.mode="CronJob" \
  --set run.cronJob.schedule="0 0 * * *" \
  --set config.excludeNamespaces={kube-node-lease\,kube-public\,kube-system} \
  kubescout ./chart

Run as a Kubernetes Job

To get the plain job manifests, you can render the Helm chart:


helm template \
  --set image.tag="$(go run . --version | cut -d" " -f 3)" \
  --set run.mode="Job" \
  --set persistency.enable=false \
  kubescout ./chart > kubescout-job.yaml

kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f kubescout-job.yaml

Run as a Kubernetes CronJob

To get the plain cron-job manifests, you can render the Helm chart:


helm template \
  --set image.tag="$(go run . --version | cut -d" " -f 3)" \
  --set run.mode="CronJob" \
  --set run.cronjob.schedule="* * * * *" \
  kubescout ./chart > kubescout-cronjob.yaml

kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE -f kubescout-cronjob.yaml

Run as Docker

Alpine based slim image that wraps the CLI and used by the Kubernetes solutions.

docker run --rm -it reallyliri/kubescout:latest --help
# or with actual kubeconfig
docker run --rm -it \
 -v ${HOME}/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config \
 reallyliri/kubescout:latest -a -o json

Build yourself:

docker build -t kubescout .
# then run
docker run --rm -it kubescout --help


Simply fetch/compile the binary and use the CLI with your required config options.

Native Cronjob

Quick setup of the native binary in a cronjob should be simple enough.

For example, to scout every 3 minutes:

if ! crontab -l | grep kubescout >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
    (crontab -l ; echo "*/3 * * * * kubescout --all-contexts --kubeconfig /root/.kube/config --dedup-minutes 180") | crontab -

Go Package

You can also use the tool as a package from your own code setup.

go get github.com/reallyliri/kubescout
package example

import (
	kubescout "github.com/reallyliri/kubescout/pkg"
	kubescoutconfig "github.com/reallyliri/kubescout/config"
	kubescoutsink "github.com/reallyliri/kubescout/sink"

func main() {

	// simple default execution:
	_ = kubescout.Scout(nil, nil)

	// example using Slack webhook as sink:
	cfg, _ := kubescoutconfig.DefaultConfig()
	cfg.KubeconfigFilePath = "/root/configs/staging-kubeconfig"
	sink, _ := kubescoutsink.CreateWebSink(
		func() (http.RoundTripper, error) {
			skipVerifyTransport := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
			skipVerifyTransport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}
			return skipVerifyTransport, nil
		func(request *http.Request) error {
			request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
			return nil
		func(response *http.Response, responseBody string) error {
			if responseBody != "ok" {
				return fmt.Errorf("non-ok response from Slack: '%v'", responseBody)
			return nil
	_ = kubescout.Scout(cfg, sink)

Test and Build

# vet and lint
go vet
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app golangci/golangci-lint:latest-alpine golangci-lint run --deadline=180s
# tests
go test -v ./...
# integration tests (requires minikube)
go test -v --tags=integration ./integration_test.go
# build
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o bin/kubescout-$(go run . --version | cut -d" " -f 3) .
