
Serious tree model issue latest BoA build for v3.2 - SOLVED ( sort of ).

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Running BoA 3.1 official does not have this issue, even if I update BoA 3.1 with the very latest gzdoom dev build 4.11 pre 279, but I have to change the gzdoom ini to gzdoom_portable.ini .
A good example is in these pics. Load map C3M1_b, turn around 180 degrees and walk forward.

tree models1
tree models2

Under 'rendering settings', the 'trees' setting might be too low.

Nope. That's what I suspected too. I have all environment settings to beautiful and distance of 16384. As mentioned BoA v3.1 has no issue with this, just the latest dev build. And once they appear, they stay at any distance. Now if you have no problem, I'm at a loss.

I checked and I don't have a problem @ 16384, only when the setting is low.

Problem must be mine then ... :( .

UPDATE ... For whatever reason, it appears that all the performance settings don't work for me.
I did notice that set boa_grasslod is double defined in the launcher-resource files.


I had to delete my gzdoom_portable.ini file, copy my gzdoom-[name here].ini file from my original 3.1 distro to my full 3.2 dev build install, rename my said gzdoom ini file to gzdoom_portable.ini for this to work, since I'm using the latest gzdoom dev build. Still, it seemed to have something to do with this setting under [boa_culling=true]. When I initially changed this to false, it also worked.
But why ...

From where does this come?

I don't understand the question. I think all the info is provided here. Or can you be more specific.

@Talon1024 - Bear in mind that this was just an example. It was happening with all maps. So if the fix was just for this map/tree, will not have any effect any where else. Anyway, as stated, this was solved. I just left this here if anyone has the same issue.

The fix was just for that map in that particular area, so that the corpses won't appear to hang from thin air.

I guess the actual issue here is that trees are invisible at the start of the maps?

Just downloaded the latest map and I see what you have done. Interestingly, if the trees rendering is set to the lowest setting - 1024 -, at the very start of the level and just turning 180 degrees, the tree is not there but the hanging corpes are.

Still, it seemed to have something to do with this setting under [boa_culling=true]. When I initially changed this to false, it also worked.

This is odd. boa_culling is set to true on my system and it doesn't have that problem. But boa_grasslod isn't defined at all.

if the trees rendering is set to the lowest setting - 1024 -, at the very start of the level and just turning 180 degrees, the tree is not there but the hanging corpes are.

I think that's because the trees are rendered and the corpses aren't.

I think that's because the trees are rendered and the corpses aren't.

No. The corpses are always rendered.

I suspect this has a lot to do with it ...

Windows users to check could try this experiment ( without the recent fix ), and backing up your .ini file ...

  1. Install the latest BoA dev build.
  2. Install the latest gzdoom dev build - and rename gzdoom.exe to boa.exe.
  3. Copy the launcher and its ini file from BoA 3.1.
  4. Launch game as usual and go to map c3m1_b via console.
  5. Turn 180 degrees and what do you see ? And rendering settings have no effect. ( for me at least, unless I do the workaround).

As mentioned before, the map was just a good example. It affects all maps.

@Talon1024 ... You could do the same for the same tree in the previous level, C3M1_a ( T1693 at sector 1739 ).
And to answer your earlier question, yes, if more than 1024 ( I think ) map units away from the player.

Okay, it seems as we have the same problem here as I had a few days ago with this one here: #1372

I will close this, please continue the discussion in the new issue.