
Objects (trees) pop up in the distance even though "max performance" is activated

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Today I noticed that objects slowly pop in, even though I set the performance settings to max. This is an example in C1M0 at the very start. At the beginning, this is my view:

I need to walk down the canyon and return back to make all the trees visible.

There is definitely something wrong with the object culling - maybe @AFADoomer or @Talon1024 have an idea?

In v3.1 this is working perfectly fine by the way, so it must be an issue with the current development version.

Yep! I reported this issue August last year #1347. I came across a workaround/solution which I mentioned there, but maybe not ideal. Not dev builds (not now at least ). Happens also in current stable gzdoom 4.11.3.

Update ...

It seems from my testing that just changing gzdoom.ini in Documents\My Games\Gzdoom under [BoA.LocalServerInfo.Mod] the entry boa_debugculling=true to boa_debugculling=false works ( but as stated before ... why ? ).

I really hope one of the programmers can take a look. This is a critical issue

I found that the simplest fix for me was to change line 44 in cvarinfo.txt from true to false.
As it is currently with boa 3.1 and gzdoom 4.6 setting to either true or false seems to make no difference.
Disclaimer ... works well in Windows, not sure about other gzdoom operating systems.

I tried the fix mentioned here #1347 but it doesn't work. A clean install doesn't work either.

I found that the simplest fix for me was to change line 44 in cvarinfo.txt from true to false.

The setting the cvarinfo.txt line 44 to "false"

server bool boa_culling = true; // Enables/disables actor culling ** // Needs menu entry, possibly launcher choice

I have no idea what it actually does (boa_culling), so I'd like to know from @AFADoomer @Ozymandias81 @Talon1024 what are the consequences when setting it to false or for what this has been implemented.

This should be working properly again after 3d9d703.

The 'boa_culling' CVar turns on and off actor and effect culling. Culling is selective deletion or re-adding of actors and effects to the map in order to reduce think time - so, for example, in C1M2 rain isn't constantly spawning in a portion of the map that you are nowhere near, and in this map hundreds of trees and other decorations that you can't see don't take up actor think time.

For me, this gives a significant performance boost.

If you turn culling off, the engine runs the map vanilla style - all actors are always present and 'thinking' in the background.

I had something like this in my memory but tanks for clearing up things - and for the proper fix.