
Flappy Bird on the MCU 8051 using an 8x8 led matrix and 2 buttons. Part of a Project for the DHBW.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Assembly Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird on the MCU 8051 using an 8x8 led matrix and 2 buttons. Part of a Project for the DHBW.


  ___ _                                             
 / __) |                                            
| |__| | ____ ____  ____  _   _     ____  ___ ____  
|  __) |/ _  |  _ \|  _ \| | | |   / _  |/___)    \ 
| |  | ( ( | | | | | | | | |_| |  ( ( | |___ | | | |
|_|  |_|\_||_| ||_/| ||_/ \__  |   \_||_(___/|_|_|_|
             |_|   |_|   (____/                     


  • Interrupt Ports:
    • 3.2
    • 3.3
  • Matrix X:
    • P0 B0-7
  • Matrix Y:
    • P1 B0-7

In the first column is the bird, which can move up and down In the other columns are the "pillars" which move towards the bird
