
The new mb-platform

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Male Niti Platform

This project is a platform that builds the entire Male Niti website with all its services and applications.

Building the platform

To build the entire platform, you need to run some commands and write a couple of configurations:

Step 1: Prepare the environment

./mn prepare-env [ENV]

Replace [ENV] witht the desired environment: dev, test, stage or prod.

This will create two files: env.sh and env-[ENV].sh.

Step 2: Configure the platform

Now edit the env-[ENV].sh file and enter all configuration details.

Step 3: Build the platform

From here, you can run ./mn up to bring up the entire platform, or you can bring up individual components.

To bring up individual components manually, first run ./mn write-configs. This will write configuration files.

See ./mn output for additional commands.

Stopping the platform

Keep the volumes (data)

To stop the entire platform, run ./mn down.

To also remove the environment information, run ./mn down --full.

Remove the volumes (data)

To stop the entire platform and erase all volumes (all data), run ./mn down --vol.

To also remove the environment information, run ./mn down --vol --full.