Users can sign a petition to save shrimps. After signing all signers will be listed with provided optional user profile information. Hosted on Heroku
- Express-Handlebars
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- AWS S3 for storing canvas-signature-image
The landingpage shows a video of my pet shrimp as background (deactivated on mobile), on which users can register or login.
After registration (or upon login without having signed previously) users are asked to support the petition with signing on a canvas. The signature will be stored on AWS S3 and be displayed to the user on another page.
After signing the user will be directed to a thank you page from which he can navigate to the list of all signers.
Via click on a city next to the signers, the user gets directed to a list of only signers of that city.
- user can sign twice within same session
- passwords stored un-hashed
- store
in different color - include number of signers
- show timestamp
- error message when age not a number
- error message when login data incorrect (user not found please register / wrong pw)
- use canvas touch events