
Permanent PCB designs of 200 Radio Shack electronics projects.

No. Name I O K N F A C R M S E Tiles D O R A T
1 Wheel of Fortune X X X X X 2x2 X
2 The Noisy Light X 2x1 X
3 Electronic Candle X X 2x1 X
4 Rain Detector X 1x1 X
5 Ear Splitter X 1x1 X
6 Pencil Lead Organ X 1x1 X
7 The Electric Human X X 1x1 X
8 The Electrosonic Human X X 2x1 X
9 Electric Birthday Cake X X X 2x1 X
10 Quick Draw X 2x1 X
11 Quick Draw II X X X 2x2 X
12 Electronic Safecracking X X X 2x1 X
13 UFO Invasion X X X X X 2x2 X
14 Tug of War X X 2x1 X
15 Shot in the Dark X X 2x1 X
16 Burglar Alarm X 1x1 X
17 SOS Alert X X X X 2x2 X
18 Target Range X X
19 Catch the Eight X X X
20 Marching LEDs X X
21 Turn Signal Flasher X X
22 Leapin' LEDs X X
23 Lights Out X X X X
24 Light Telegraph
25 Frontier Telegraph X
26 Introducing the Resistor X
27 Parallel Resistors X
28 Secret Resistance X
29 A Variable Resistor X X
30 Capacitors in Series and Parallel X
31 The Electronic Gas Tank
32 Discharge Timer X
33 Light Dimmer
34 The Quick Capacitor X
35 Electronic Timer X
36 Capacitors and Oscillators X X
37 A Variable Capacitor X X X
38 Resistors and Capacitors Together X X
39 Resistors and Capacitors Together II X X
40 Meet the Diode
41 Voltage Drop X
42 Voltage Regulator X
43 LED - A Special Diode
44 How a Transformer Works X X
45 A Chopper Circuit X X X
46 An AC Simulator X X
47 Electronic Buzzer X X
48 Photometer X X
49 Electronic Jigsaw Puzzle X
50 Night Light X X
51 The Light Switch X X
52 Electronic Elephant X
53 Capital Letter Displays X
54 Small Letter Displays X
55 Numeric Displays X
56 Meet the Transistor X
57 Transistors as Switches X
58 Electricity from Sound X X
59 Electric Money X 0x0
60 A Push-Pull Amplifier X X X
61 Understanding Oscillators X X
62 A Push-Pull Oscillator X
63 An Inverter Circuit
64 Meet the OR Circuit
65 Introducing the AND Gate
66 Using the NOR Gate
67 Meet the NAND Gate
68 How a Multivibrator Works X
69 A One-Shot Multivibrator X
70 An R-S Flip-Flop X
71 Sound Scooper X X
72 Liquid Conductivity Tester X X
73 Super-Sensitive Photometer X
74 Motion Detector X
75 Two-Tone Buzzer X X
76 Variable Capacitor Oscillator X X X
77 Variable RC Oscillator X
78 Electric Metronome X X
79 Door Alarm X
80 Frequency Shift Oscillator X
81 Code Practice Unit X X
82 Light/Sound Code Practice Unit X
83 Strobe Light X X
84 Noisy Strobe Light X
85 CdS-Controlled Oscillator X
86 Shot in the Dark II X X X
87 Does Money Talk? X X
88 Crystal Set Radio X X X
89 Funny Transistor Radio X X X
90 One Transistor Radio X X X X
91 Spark Gap Transmitter X
92 Morse Code Transmitter X X X
93 Remote Water Level Detector X X X
94 AM Broadcaster X X X X
95 Basic Audio Oscillator X X
96 Light-Controlled Bird X X
97 Electronic Motorcycle X
98 Chirping Bird X
99 Electronic Siren X
100 Fish Caller X X
101 Plant Growth Stimulator X
102 Electronic Organ X X
103 Electronic Raindrops X X
104 Electronic Cat X X
105 Electronic Bird X X
106 Digital Rhythm X X X X
107 Sound Machine I X X
108 Sound Machine II X X
109 Sound Machine III X X X
110 Electronic Coin Toss X X
111 Electronic Coin Toss II X
112 Even or Odd X X X
113 Electronic Roulette X X
114 Electronic Dice X X
115 Roulette with Sound X X X
116 The Light Fantastic X X
117 ESP Tester X X
118 Close-In X X
119 Three-Input OR Circuit
120 Three-Input AND Circuit
121 RTL Inverter
122 RTL Buffer
123 RTL OR Gate
124 RTL AND Gate
125 DTL OR Gate
126 DTL AND Gate
127 DTL NOR Gate
128 DTL NAND Gate
129 DTL Exclusive OR Gate
130 TTL Inverter X
131 TTL Buffer X
132 TTL OR Gate X
133 TTL AND Gate X
134 TTL 3-Input AND Gate X
135 TTL NOR Gate X
136 TTL XOR Gate X
137 TTL NAND Enable Circuit X
138 TTL AND Enable Circuit X
139 TTL OR Enable Circuit X
140 TTL Line Selector X
141 TTL Data Selector X
142 TTL R-S Flip-Flop X
143 TTL R-S Flip-Flop II X
144 Transistorized Toggle Flip-Flop
145 NAND Toggle Flip-Flop X
146 J-K Toggle Flip-Flop X
147 TTL Astable Multivibrator X
148 TTL J-K Flip-Flop X X
149 TTL D Flip-Flop X X
150 TTL Latch Circuit X X
151 Shift Register X X
152 Basic Counter Circuit X X
153 Synchronous Counter X X
154 Asynchronous Counter X X
155 Counter with Line Decoder X X
156 Divide by 4 Counter X X
157 Divide by 4 Counter with Line Decoder X X
158 How a Line Decoder Works X X
159 Multiple Counter X X
160 Binary Counter with Display X X X
161 Divide by 3 Counter with Display X X X
162 Divide by 4 Counter with Display X X X
163 Light or Sound X
164 Be Your Own Multivibrator X X
165 Anticipation X X X
166 Big Mouth X X X
167 Sound Stop X X X
168 Multivibrator Switching X
169 Winking LEDs
170 A Phony Counter X
171 Alphabet Flasher X
172 A One-Shot TTL X
173 Winking LEDs II X
174 Transistor Timer X X
175 TTL Tone Generator X X
176 Meet the VCO X
177 Sound Out Timer X X X
178 Buzzin' LED X X
179 Son of Buzzin' LED X X
180 Octave Generator X X X
181 Crossing Signal X X X X
182 Digital Timer X X
183 Set/Reset Buzzer I X X
184 Set/Reset Buzzer II X X
185 Set/Reset Buzzer III X X
186 Optical Counter X X
187 LED Sound Meter X X X
188 Shot in the Dark III X X
189 Set/Reset Match X X
190 Number Displays X X X
191 Circuit Continuity Checker
192 Acoustic Ohmmeter X
193 DC Voltmeter X
194 Voltage Level Detector X
195 AC Voltmeter X
196 Audio Signal Generator X X
197 Volume Level Meter X X
198 Capacitance Checker X X X
199 Diode Tester X X
200 Transistor Checker X