
Crowd-sourcing your decision matrices since 2013!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Crowd-sourced decision matrices. Check out the deployed goodness: Co-Compare is here!


This README is intended to inform users, help beginner/intermediate devs, and brag to anyone looking to hire me ;)


  1. Log in via Facebook. Co-Compare will only store your name/ID and nothing else (check source code if you don't believe me).
  2. Create a comparison table by providing subjects (columns) to compare and criteria (rows) to compare them against.
  • Optional: provide details (cells) to help inform others who view the comparison table.
  1. Copy/paste/share the link generated for your comparison table.
  2. You and the rest of the world can upvote/downvote the various aspects of each subject and the criteria.
  3. You and the rest of the world can make decisions based on the results of votes from you and - as you may have guessed - the rest of the world.


Home Page

landing page

Example comparison

viewing a serious comparison

Example comparison creation

creating a comparison


The biggest challenges were learning Sequelize and successfully playing whack-a-mole with deployment issues.

Tech Stack

  • AngularJS: client-side framework
  • Node.js: server-side app platform
    • Express: server-side framework
    • Passport: server-side authentication (via Facebook)
    • Sequelize: ORM (powerful, but docs could use a buff)
  • SQL: database (MySQL for dev; PostgreSQL for production)
  • Moment.js: time/date prettifier
  • Stylus: CSS pre-processor

(Why do some JS libraries/frameworks end with ".js" while others end with "JS" while others end with no suffix at all?)


  • git (duh): version control boss
  • npm (duh): package wrangler for back-end libraries
  • Bower: package wrangler for front-end libraries
  • Yeoman: scaffolding/boilerplate provider
  • Grunt: workflow-related task runner
  • Heroku: git-friendly web app hosting provider
  • Ubuntu: UNIX for those of us who're too cheap for MacOS

The Repo

  • dev: media files related to design
  • models: database setup
  • public: front-end
    • images: icons
    • scripts: client app + Angular controllers
    • styles: Stylus code and resultant CSS
    • views: HTML inserted into index.html by Angular
  • routes: controllers that interact with the database
  • config_production.js: references to production environment variables
  • config_dev.js: (not provided) private, local counterpart to config_production.js
  • server.js: starts the server

The Creator

Co-Compare was created by RebootJeff at Hack Reactor.