
repository for LTSpiceIV Simulation group

MIT LicenseMIT

Simulation group

Image credit: cornell.edu

Simulator: LTSpiceIV LTSpiceXVII - download link

  • It is available only for Windows but it works fine by using wine on Linux (tested on Linux Mint)

Reference Books:

  • Gayakwad (Opamps)
  • Boylestad (Analog circuits)


Here we list the steps involved in a weekly simulation exercise:

  • First, we choose a chapter(s) from the reference books listed above, the reference books are chosen such that they contain dense information about the circuits and also contain information necessary for preparing a simulation in any standard circuit simulation tool.

    • We skip pure theory chapters from the books (but we do need the necessary context for understanding the intricacies of the circuits although such chapters are not actively involved in simulations)
  • We choose a circuit from the book, at the start of the week each member chooses a circuit from the chapter chosen in previous step.

  • We simulate the circuit in LTSpiceXVII

  • Towards the end of the week, We prepare a short report (see resources section for a latex template) that contains the details of the circuit as well as important information involved in preparing the simulation that can help while replicating it. This report is then peer-reviewed by another member.

  • We also aim to post a simulation tutorial on medium.com, the timing of this task is flexible.

    • TODO: prepare a format for blog articles

Seeking Simulation help is allowed during the week, other members can then assist him/her via screen-sharing or tool tips.

Submission format

Place the Week X's files in the directory ./weekX under the naming format <username>-weekX.pdf. Hence, if my username is badbox4 and I am submitting for week 3, the report file should be place under the directory week3 as badbox4-week3.pdf.

Week-wise schedule

  • Week 1: Opamp with -ve feedback (first five chapters of Gayakwad) - read
  • Week 2: Frequency Response and General Linear Applications of Opamps - read
  • Week 3: Instrumentation Amplifiers and its applications - read
  • Week 4: General Linear Applications - read
  • Week 5: Active Filters


Report template

Here is a sample report template, clone this and edit on overleaf.com or download the .tex files and edit offline.

adding LM741 spice model

The LM741 op-amp is quite frequently used in the examples of the Gayakwad book but it is not available by default in LTSpiceXVII so one can use this guide I found at eevblog's forums to add LM741 IC to LTSpiceXVII.

Youtube playlists

