GameNite Controlpads Library for Godot


This repository contains source for the GameNite Controlpads Godot plugin, as well as the plugin itself. The plugin can be used to develop for GameNite and test your GameNite game natively.


  • Download GameNite Controlpads from the AssetLib in Godot.
  • Add a GameNiteControlpads node to your main scene (do not use more than one GameNiteControlpads node in your game).
  • Add a script to your new node
  • Attach a function to the message_received signal to handle messages from controlpad.
  • Use the built in send_message function.
  • Run a controlpads test server on your development machine:
  • Connect browsers on your computer or phone to <your-lan-ip>:3000.
  • Join our discord to get help and learn more about developing for GameNite:

Building from source

cd godot-cpp
git submodule update --init
godot --dump-extension-api extension_api.json
scons platform=<platform> -j4 custom_api_file=extension_api.json
cd ..
scons platform=<platform>

You may want to add target=template_release flag to your final scons command