
A tool to locate and extract Armory wallets on corrupted and deleted hard drives

Primary LanguageRustBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A tool to locate and extract Armory wallets on corrupted and deleted hard drives.


  • Searches a drive image for deleted and corrupted armory wallet files, based on a checksum property within the file.
  • Writes to a log file.
  • Supports both raw images (dd-style) and lz4-compressed images (.img.lz4).
    • Open a feature request if you want support for more formats.


  • Rust (in --release mode): 8 MiB/s - 1 TiB takes 1.5 days.


  • Armory wallets have a 32-byte private key, followed by a 4-byte sha256d hash of that key.
  • By taking every group of 36 bytes on the drive image, performing the checksum validation (a sha256d hash) on the first 32 bytes, and seeing if they match the final 4 bytes, we can find all parts that are "probably private keys".
  • After you find these keys, use a tool like ku to convert them to usable keys. I'm not at that point yet.


Install from crates.io, and then run:

cargo install armory_wallet_checksum_searcher
armory_wallet_checksum_searcher -f input_file.img -o ./output_log.log

Or, clone from source and run:

git clone https://github.com/RecRanger/armory-wallet-checksum-searcher
cargo run --release -- -f input_file.img -o ./output_log.log
sudo cargo run --release -- -f /dev/sda -o ./output_log.log


Please Star this repo if it's helpful. Open Issues.