
Running Pre-trained Machine Learning Model in Godot.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


iree.gd logo

IREE runtime in Godot through GDExtension, a mission to run machine learning model (e.g. Tensorflow lite) natively in Godot.

Authored by Richie Kho, published by V-Sekai.

Supported Platforms

Platform HAL Backend used
Apple products (macOS, IOS) metal
Desktops (Windows, Linux, *BSD) vulkan
The rest (Android) vmvx


This GDExtension provides:

  • IREETensor - Hold data to be fed into or output by the model.
  • IREEModule - Load model and run it.


You'll need to compile your models following this guide. Make sure the backends is supported by your compiled models, based on supported platforms.

You can use iree-dump-module from IREE's tools to inspect the byte code. Here is an important section of the dump of esrgan:

Exported Functions:
  [  0] main(!vm.ref<?>) -> (!vm.ref<?>)
        iree.abi.declaration: sync func @main(%input0: tensor<1x50x50x3xf32> {ml_program.identifier = "input_0"}) -> (%output0: tensor<1x200x200x3xf32> {ml_program.identifier = "Identity"})
  [  1] __init() -> ()

Here we can know that:

  • The function name is "main".
  • The function takes one 1x50x50x3 float 32 IREETensor (input_0) as input.
  • The function takes one 1x200x200x3 float 32 IREETensor (Identity) as output.

Using iree.gd

After having your .vmfb bytecode ready, you could start using iree.gd.

There are 4 steps:

  1. Load model with IREEModule.load.
  2. Prepare input by feeding data into IREETensor through IREETensor.from_* variant or IREETensor.capture_* variant.
  3. Send IREETensors into loaded IREEModule.
  4. Interpreting the output IREETensors from IREEModule.
var module := IREEModule.load("res://model.vmfb")
var input := IREETensor.from_bytes(image.get_data(), [1, 50, 50, 3]) # Remember to consider the input type.
# var outputs := module.bind("module.main", [input]).call_module() # Synchronous execution.
var outputs := await module.bind("module.main", [input]).call_module_async().completed # Asynchronous execution.
for output in outputs:
    pass # Do something with the `output`.


You need to prefix module. in front of the function you want to call when passing into IREEModule. In this case, the function is main so you pass module.main as function name.

Sample project

The sample project is in sample directory, it demonstrate running esrgan using iree.gd.

Build from source

Run these commands:

git clone https://github.com/V-Sekai/iree.gd.git # clone this repo
cd iree.gd
git submodule init thirdparty # initialize all the thirdparty
git submodule deinit thirdparty/iree/third_party/llvm-project # Deinitialize llvm, we are not compiling the compiler.
git submodule update --recursive # Pull submodule content, this will take a while.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . # Building the project, this will take a while, add `-j` flag to make it faster.

If you would like to compile LLVM from source, you'll need to set IREE_BUILD_BUNDLED_LLVM to ON when generating build files with cmake.

After compilation, the library will be in build/lib directory. It will also install the library into the sample.