
Download dinosaur comics from qwantz.com

MIT LicenseMIT

wantz is a small perl script to download dinosaur comics from qwantz.com.

wantz will download to a directory of your specification and build small html 
files for each of the comics, and will preserve the alt text, title, height, 
and width of the image. Links to the previous and next comics are provided for 
your convenience.


Please read the man page (wantz --man) for further information.

wantz accepts the following command line options: * -h prints a brief help 
message and exits * -m displays the manpage * -v toggles verbosity * -u update 
to the latest comic * --range x y download comics from x to y * -l x y z ... 
download the comic #'s specified in the list * -d dir/ download comics to dir/ 
instead of ./ * --rebuild rebuild 000000.html, index.html, and favicon.ico if 
they exist

The following example will download all the current dinosaur comics to ./:

wantz -u

And the following example will download the first 1000 comics to ./:

wantz --range 1 1000

And the following example will verbosely download the first seven prime comics 
to ~/primes/, using err.log as the errorlog:

wantz -v -d ~/primes -l 2 3 5 7 11 13 17