- 9
JCenter to be sunset on 2020-05-01
#413 opened by petedoyle - 2
CameraView not working
#420 opened by SherazAli-67 - 2
- 8
Android Studio Electric Eel problems.
#425 opened by isabsent - 1
- 0
- 1
How to get bitmap image after takepicture ?
#409 opened by therohim - 1
Disable the shutter camera sound
#403 opened by maruiz81 - 1
DEX error after updating Gradle and Kotlin version
#426 opened by fearsom03 - 6
`takePicture()` freezes on API 33.
#424 opened by RobinFarmer - 1
Problem trying to set the pictureResolution
#397 opened by stylphub - 1
Is the Camera2 API used?
#422 opened by september669 - 1
- 1
Crash On Vivo y20i on setPreviewCallback
#411 opened by ErAmrit - 0
- 0
Not able to take picture
#417 opened by ShivlalChavan - 0
- 3
Proguard issue: io.fotoapparat.coroutines.AwaitBroadcastChannel: can't find referenced method 'boolean cancel()' in program class kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
#391 opened by ZakTaccardi - 0
Is there possible disable audio and screen blink when calls methos takePicture()?
#415 opened by miltonhit - 0
How to change ratio to 1:1 in preview and photo result? and is it posibble to force UI preview camera scaletype fixXY?
#414 opened by spungkyb - 4
- 0
- 3
With Kotlin's 1.4+ update the Fotoapparat's build() function crashes with error:
#408 opened by AndyAls - 0
Camera front and back issue
#406 opened by rafaqat8 - 0
Using external USB camera
#405 opened by ArthurZAZA - 0
- 0
package kotlin.Unit does not exist
#402 opened by DogandElk - 0
How get the size of the black area.
#401 opened by zackdu35 - 0
Wrong orientation on 2.7.0
#400 opened by p3pp8 - 0
Make Fotoapparat lifecycleaware
#399 opened by robyka400 - 1
Can't change picture resolution
#396 opened by isabsent - 0
Set exposure sensitivity to 'Auto'
#395 opened by AviranAbady - 0
- 0
Mocking Fotoapparat
#392 opened by jeduden - 2
- 0
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Zoom lags on certain devices
#386 opened by CabreraGerardo - 2
- 0
Visual feedback circle during continuous focus
#385 opened by szuzso - 5
Front camera : disabling mirror effect
#375 opened by root-ansh - 0
Photo overlap
#384 opened by jinbiao-wu - 1
Plans for RAW output support?
#382 opened by swarminglogic - 1
It dont save to my gallery
#373 opened by samuelhalim1 - 0
How to put filters
#383 opened by gautamswostik - 3
How to select middle resolution?
#377 opened by akakist - 1
startPreview and stopPreview should be exposed
#381 opened by rion18 - 6
Compatibility with Gradle 5 regarding dependencies
#370 opened by avianey - 0
Object Distance Focus
#374 opened by chungyau97 - 0
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