- 0
Sleep mode
#91 opened by JimmyTai - 0
BBC Microbit
#115 opened by reltkaine - 1
Add arduino framework support to platformio
#76 opened by cujomalainey - 0
- 0
I2C problem with a BNO055
#113 opened by Syl202 - 7
reflash mk20 not working
#59 opened by petrometro - 5
Cannot burn bootloader
#87 opened by venusyu0713 - 9
- 0
abnormal behavior when use 4. 5. 6. 7. for servo pin
#112 opened by zassen - 0
OTA update works only once after copy/pasting the bootloader.hex to MBED drive
#111 opened by giowild - 0
- 0
- 0
Does eddystone works for Arduino-SDK?
#109 opened by chenchen-hci - 0
problem with delay()-family
#107 opened by orgua - 1
- 3
OpenOCD issue on 1.0.7
#90 opened by jikelmon - 0
Is digitalwritefast available?
#103 opened by netkruzer - 0
changes for example code for AT24C512_Demo
#102 opened by shirish47 - 1
change advertisment data at runtime
#101 opened by LucaCerina - 2
Serial 9600 baud limitation
#96 opened by hieuv - 0
Compiling error /bin/arm-none-eabi-g++
#100 opened by nhoenderop - 1
Problem using libraries written for arduino
#71 opened by andrey-gvrd - 8
openocd issue on Linux
#73 opened by kdsoo - 0
mac address of central.............?
#99 opened by iqbalpalemad - 0
Compaibiliy nRF51422
#98 opened by Cysign - 0
Which version of S130 the library v1.0.7 is?
#95 opened by MarcoSaba - 1
- 1
Problem including ArduinoJson library
#92 opened by kdsoo - 0
- 5
Wire.begin() affecting clock based functions
#82 opened by dbradby - 1
Could new branch upload code with avrdude?
#89 opened by DeqingSun - 1
Source code for bootloader with OTA / single bank?
#86 opened by shayo - 9
SCAN REPORT don't decode the full name
#85 opened by straccio - 16
SCAN REPORT don't decode the full name
#63 opened by gaucho1978 - 2
- 1
does Wire library send Stop condition?
#81 opened by shirish47 - 5
- 0
BLE Class inherit Print
#79 opened by DST-Innovations - 0
How do I use the RTC for time keeping?
#78 opened by shirish47 - 1
- 3
nRF51822+S130+HRSensor= disconnection
#74 opened by gaucho1978 - 3
Sleep and wakeup from external interrupt
#69 opened by kdsoo - 3
- 1
bootloader & mk20 source code?
#65 opened by vshymanskyy - 1
- 4
Cannot upload sketch.
#68 opened by asukiaaa - 20
ble central disconnects after one minute
#66 opened by gaucho1978 - 5
Indefinite upload, lacking programmer?
#60 opened by stuper27 - 2
How do I make a custom service?
#62 opened by shirish47 - 1
Can't get the BLE nano working with the Arduino IDE
#61 opened by agdl