
Syntax Highlighting and Snippets for URCL, B and Tuk languages

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Syntax Highlighting and Snippets for URCL, B and Tuk languages

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Highlights URCL based instructions, headers, macros, labels, opperands and comments.
Adds snippets for all instructions and headers. (Use tab to cycle through)
Only highlights opperands based on their position relative to the instruction.
Will try its hardest to find the correct opperand within the whitespaces.
All invalid code is highlighted in red.


This extension was designed with VSCode's default Dark+ theme in mind.
Other themes may work with various successes.

Known Issues

Comments are very very cursed.
Will have to code up a language server of some sort to fix it.

Release Notes

Check out the change log

For more information

URCL stands for Universal Reduced Computer Language

You can tell VSCode to treat the file as a different file type via the button in the bottom right corner.