
converts a musicxml leadsheet (single melody with harmony chord symbols) file (or files in a directory) to impro-visor style leadsheet(s).

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


XML2Impro-Visor converts a musicxml leadsheet (single melody with harmony chord symbols) file (or files in a directory) to impro-visor style leadsheet(s).

usage: XML2Impro-Visor.py [-h] [-m MXLFILEORPATHORPATH]
optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
                 music file or path, relative to current working directory e.g. XML2Impro-Visor/music.mxl or XML2Impro-Visor/leadsheets

XML2Impro-Visor only converts leadsheet chords not the melody.

Workaround example to rejoin melody to accompaniment (e.g. exported from Impro-visor):

  • In MuseScore, File > Open “accompaniment MIDI export”.mid
  • Edit > Instruments… add melody instrument
  • File > Open > original musicxml leadsheet with melody.mxl
  • Click on a note , select all (^A), copy ^C
  • Click on “accompaniment MIDI export” tab, scroll to new melody stave, select 2nd bar rest (if accompaniment has count in), Paste ^V

The latest release has been tested on:

  • Windows 10.0.19044
    • with MuseScore 3.6.2, Python 3.9.6, music21 v 7.1.0
  • Ubuntu 20.04
    • with MuseScore 3.2.3, Python 3.8.10, music21 v 7.1.0

Table of Contents

  1. [XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Windows](#XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Windows)
  2. [XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for macOS](#XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for macOS)
  3. [XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Ubuntu](#XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Ubuntu)

Note: GitHub has a full table of contents with links in the header icon (top left of the readme.md).

XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Windows

Pre-requisites for XML2Impro-Visor include Python, and Music21.

Python Windows installation

  1. Firstly check python version required by Music21. see https://web.mit.edu/music21/doc/installing/installWindows.html

    in October 2021 this stated "Windows users should download and install Python version 3.8 or higher."

  • For example
    • Python 3.9.6 worked for me with music21 versions 6.7.1 and 7.1.0
    • Python 3.10.0 did not work for me with music21 version 7.1.0 (numpy not compatible)
  1. Browse to https://www.python.org/downloads/windows

    Download desired version (may not be the latest) and run.

    Select "Add Python to PATH". Install.

  2. Check it works: Start, search, cmd, click on Command Prompt, type:

    python --version

    Expect the version to be displayed e.g. Python 3.9.6

Music21 Windows installation

  1. Music21 Installation details at https://web.mit.edu/music21/doc/installing/installWindows.html

    At command prompt:

    pip install music21

  2. Check music21 version installed with:

    pip list

  3. Configure with (press return to accept defaults):

    python -m music21.configure

if you have problems and want to try different versions. Uninstall music21 with:

pip uninstall music21

Uninstall Python by opening Control Panel, Click "Uninstall a Program", Scroll down to Python and click uninstall for each version you don't want anymore.

To upgrade music21 at a later date to the latest version, 'pip uninstall music21' then 'pip install music21' again.

XML2Impro-Visor Windows installation

Install XML2Impro-Visor on Windows

Download release zip to desired directory for XML2Impro-Visor and unzip with right click Extract All ...

Run XML2Impro-Visor on Windows

In a Command Prompt window change to install directory and show XML2Impro-Visor help e.g.:

cd C:\Users\paul\Documents\XML2Impro-Visor

XML2Impro-Visor.py -h
:: or
python XML2Impro-Visor.py -h

Then run using supplied mxl:

python XML2Impro-Visor.py -m Impromusic.mxl
:: or
XML2Impro-Visor.py -m Impromusic.mxl
XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/music.mxl
XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/leadsheets

This converts supplied musicxml (.mxl) examples to Impo-Visor leadsheets (.ls).

XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for macOS

Pre-requisites for XML2Impro-Visor include Python, and Music21.

Python on macOS:

  1. Firstly check python version required by Music21. see https://web.mit.edu/music21/doc/installing/installMac.html in December 2021 this recommended Python 3.9 or later.

  2. Use https://docs.python.org/3/using/mac.html and https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/

  3. To check the installed version of python, click the Launchpad icon in the Dock, type Terminal in the search field, then click Terminal. Then type:

    python3 --version Python 3.10.0

Music21 on macOS

  1. Install Music21. In a Terminal type:

     pip3 install music21
  2. Check music21 version installed with:

    pip3 list

Install XML2Impro-Visor on macOS

Download release zip to desired directory for XML2Impro-Visor and unzip by double-clicking on the zipped file .

Run XML2Impro-Visor on macOS

In command prompt change to install directory, make run files executable and run XML2Impro-Visor e.g.:

cd ~/XML2Impro-Visor

# display help    
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -h

# Then run using supplied mxl:

python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m Impromusic.mxl
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/music.mxl
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/leadsheets

XML2Impro-Visor Installation instructions for Ubuntu

Pre-requisites for XML2Impro-Visor include Python, and Music21.

Python on Ubuntu:

  1. Firstly check python version required by Music21. see https://web.mit.edu/music21/doc/installing/installLinux.html in October 2021 this stated Music21 requires Python 3.7+.

  2. Check default installed version of python Ctrl+Alt+T

    python3 --version Python 3.8.10

The default python on Ubuntu 20.04 is compatible.

Music21 on Ubuntu

  1. If the package installer for Python (pip3) is not yet installed, in terminal :

    sudo apt install python3-pip
  2. Install Music21

     pip3 install music21

Ignore Fortran to Python warning: WARNING: The scripts f2py, f2py3 and f2py3.8 are installed in '/home/admin3/.local/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.

  1. Check music21 version installed with:

    pip3 list

Install XML2Impro-Visor on Ubuntu

Download release zip to desired directory for XML2Impro-Visor and unzip.

Run XML2Impro-Visor on Ubuntu

In command prompt change to install directory and run XML2Impro-Visor e.g.:

cd ~/XML2Impro-Visor     

 # display help    
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -h

# Then run using supplied mxl:

python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m Impromusic.mxl
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/music.mxl
python3 XML2Impro-Visor.py -m XML2Impro-Visor/leadsheets